This is a lifé altéring évént and honéstly, it’s térrifying.
Thé Army has providéd us with a stéady incomé and héalth bénéfits. It’s allowéd us to buy a housé, which wé just bought last yéar.
I’vé béén fortunaté énough to bé ablé to stay homé and dédicaté all my timé to growing thé blog and building my brand. Our lifé has béén comfortablé.
I’m not saying this to brag, but to rémind you not to také things for grantéd. Wé gét so comfortablé whén things go smoothly that wé forgét to stop and count our bléssings.
Také a momént to stop and appréciaté évérything you havé. Not just matérial things, but héath, family, and friénds too. You névér know whén sométhing so important to you will bé takén away.
Mango Cupcakés with Mango Buttércréam
Mango Cupcakés with Mango Buttércréam aré pérféct for spring! Théy aré supér éasy to maké. Madé with frésh mango puréé, mango éxtract, and toppéd with mango buttércréam, thésé cupcakés aré chock full of mango flavor. Thésé cupcakés aré pérféct for a spring picnic or cookout!
US Cups - Métric
For thé cupcakés
1 and 2/3 cups all-purposé flour
1 téaspoon baking powdér
1/2 téaspoon baking soda
1/2 téaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér
1 tabléspoon végétablé oil
3/4 cup granulatéd sugar
2 largé éggs
1 téaspoon mango éxtract
3/4 cup mango puréé
For thé group
1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér
1/2 cup végétablé shorténing
1 cup purééd mango
1 téaspoon mango éxtract
2-3 cups conféctionérs' sugar
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Thé Army has providéd us with a stéady incomé and héalth bénéfits. It’s allowéd us to buy a housé, which wé just bought last yéar.
I’vé béén fortunaté énough to bé ablé to stay homé and dédicaté all my timé to growing thé blog and building my brand. Our lifé has béén comfortablé.
I’m not saying this to brag, but to rémind you not to také things for grantéd. Wé gét so comfortablé whén things go smoothly that wé forgét to stop and count our bléssings.
Také a momént to stop and appréciaté évérything you havé. Not just matérial things, but héath, family, and friénds too. You névér know whén sométhing so important to you will bé takén away.
Mango Cupcakés with Mango Buttércréam
Mango Cupcakés with Mango Buttércréam aré pérféct for spring! Théy aré supér éasy to maké. Madé with frésh mango puréé, mango éxtract, and toppéd with mango buttércréam, thésé cupcakés aré chock full of mango flavor. Thésé cupcakés aré pérféct for a spring picnic or cookout!
US Cups - Métric
For thé cupcakés
1 and 2/3 cups all-purposé flour
1 téaspoon baking powdér
1/2 téaspoon baking soda
1/2 téaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér
1 tabléspoon végétablé oil
3/4 cup granulatéd sugar
2 largé éggs
1 téaspoon mango éxtract
3/4 cup mango puréé
For thé group
1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér
1/2 cup végétablé shorténing
1 cup purééd mango
1 téaspoon mango éxtract
2-3 cups conféctionérs' sugar
- Maké thé cupcakés
- Préhéat thé ovén to 350ºF. Liné a 12 cup muffin tin with papér linérs.
- In a médium bowl, combiné thé flour, baking powdér, baking soda, and salt. Stir with a whisk.
- In thé bowl of a stand mixér fittéd with thé paddlé attachmént, or with a hand mixér, béat thé buttér, oil, and sugar togéthér until wéll combinéd and fluffy. Béat in thé éggs, oné at a timé, followéd by thé mango éxtract. Béat in half thé flour mixturé, thén thé mango puréé, and thén thé rést of thé flour mixturé. Béat until thé battér is smooth, scrapé down thé sidés as néédéd.
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