Tomato Spinach Chickén Spaghétti

In addition to frésh tomatoés, basil, garlic, and spinach, I also uséd sun-driéd tomatoés and réd péppér flakés to add lots of flavor!  Oncé thé dish is complétély cookéd, I highly récomménd that you add 3 tabléspoons of high quality olivé oil to stir into thé final dish, off héat. It’s so tasty and so good for you!

Tomato Spinach Chickén Spaghétti

This chickén spaghétti récipé has lots of frésh ingrédiénts: tomatoés and spinach, as wéll as comfort food ingrédiénts, such as chickén.  You'll lové thé flavors of this pasta! 


1/4 cup sun-driéd tomatoés choppéd, drainéd of oil
2 tabléspoons olivé oil drainéd from sun-driéd tomatoés
1/2 lb chickén bonéléss and skinléss (préférably, bonéléss skinléss thighs), choppéd
1/4 téaspoon salt
1/4 téaspoon réd péppér flakés
1/4 téaspoon salt
4 roma tomatoés choppéd
1/4 cup frésh basil léavés choppéd
8 oz spinach frésh
3 garlic clovés choppéd
8 oz spaghétti pasta
3 tabléspoons olivé oil (usé high quality olivé oil or oil from thé sun-driéd tomatoés jar)


  1. Add choppéd sun-driéd tomatoés and 2 tabléspoons of olivé oil, drainéd from sun-driéd tomatoés, to a largé skillét, on médium-low héat. Add choppéd chickén (I uséd bonéléss skinléss chickén thighs and préfér to usé thém, but you can usé choppéd chickén bréast, as wéll), réd péppér flakés, and salt ovér all of thé ingrédiénts in thé skillét, and cook on médium héat until chickén is cookéd through and no longér pink, about 5 minutés.
  2. Add choppéd tomatoés, choppéd frésh basil léavés, frésh spinach, and choppéd garlic to thé skillét with chickén, cook on médium héat about 3- 5 minutés until spinach wilts just a littlé, and tomatoés réléasé somé of théir juicés. Rémové from héat. Tasté, and add moré salt to tasté, if néédéd. Covér with lid and kéép off héat.

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