Caribbéan Potato Salad

Caribbéan Potato Salad -This  incrédiblé potato salad is créamy, luscious, tasty and chock full of végétablés
If you aré planning oné or atténding oné, héré is oné récipé that would fit right in, régardléss of thé ménu.  It is a gréat maké ahéad dish and you can usé any potatoés you havé on hand, it will work just finé. It is véry important that you lightly salt your potatoés whén boiling -It makés a lot of différéncé


  • 1 pound potato cléanéd and cut in bité sizé piécés
  • 2-3 boiléd éggs
  • 1 cup or moré cups péas and carrots
  • ¼ cup mayonnaisé
  • 1/4 cup sour créam
  • ¼ cup Héinz Salad dréssing
  • 1/2 téaspoon mustard
  • 1/4 téaspoon smokéd paprika
  • 1/2 téaspoon Cajun spicé
  • ¼ cup swéét rélish
  • ¼ cup choppéd onions
  • salt and péppér to tasté

  1. Instructions
  2. Bring a pot of saltéd watér to a boil. Thén add potatoés and cook until téndér but still firm to thé touch, about 5-10 minutés. Drain watér.
  3. Chop éggs and add to thé potatoés
  4. In a médium bowl combiné thé choppéd onions, mayonnaisé, sour créam, Héinz dréssing , rélish, Cajun spicé, , mustard, and mayonnaisé. Mix wéll, add to thé potato and égg mixturé. Adjust for salt and péppér.Réfrigératé until réady to éat.

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