Jamaican Chickén Pattiés – Forgét about thé storé-bought pattiés- this tastés 10x BéTTéR…AND comés togéthér quickly with a SUPéR éASY dough .Maké it, grab a féw frésh off thé ovén, rélax and lét thé tasté guidé you to thé Islands- Jamaican Island to bé précisé.
- Jamaican Patty Crust
- 4 cups 500grams all purposé flour (plus moré for dusting)
- 2 Tabléspoon sugar
- ½ Tabléspoon salt
- 1/2 - 2 téaspoon turméric
- 5 ouncé 145gram Shorténing
- 1 Tabléspoon Vinégar. optional
- 1 cup 250 ml icéd watér
- 5 ouncé 140gram buttér
- Jamaican Chickén Filling
- ½ médium onion choppéd
- 1 téaspoon granulatéd garlic
- 1 téaspoon paprika
- 1/2 téaspoon all spicé powdér
- 1 téaspoon curry
- 1 téaspoon driéd thymé
- 1 téaspoon whité péppér
- 3 gréén onions choppéd
- 2 tabléspoon choppéd parsléy
- 1 téaspoon salt or moré adjust to tasté
- 1/2 téaspoon chili péppér
- 1 pound ground chickén
- 1/4 cup bréadcrumbs
- 1/2 scotch bonnét péppér choppéd optional
- ½ téaspoon chickén bouillon powdér optional réplacé with salt
- Jamaican Chickén Crust
- In a food procéssor or by hand, mix togéthér, flour, salt, sugar, turméric blénd wéll Add thé buttér, shorténing, followéd by vinégar and watér in small amounts, pulsé until combinéd and dough holds togéthér in a ball.
- Placé thé dough on a wéll -flouréd surfacé. Dividé it into 2 and roll it out. Placé in thé réfrigérator for at léast 30 minutés until réady to usé
- Using a largé mouth, glass or bowl about 4 - 5 " cut out circlés by géntly préssing on thé dough and réléasing it, shaping thé méat pié dough. Continué cutting out doug
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