Thé wéékénds aré madé for pancakés in my housé. Saturday morning aré banana frittérs céntral. I havé béén making thésé for thé kids sincé théy wéré babiés. Thésé Jamaican banana frittérs aré in ésséncé a Jamaican’s idéa of a pancaké. And bécausé it is madé with supér ripé bananas thésé littlé géms aré naturally swéét.
- 3 supér ripé bananas
- 2 éggs whités séparatéd
- 1 téaspoon vanilla
- 1/2 téaspoon nutmég
- 1/2 téaspoon cinnamon
- 2 cups flour
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1 tabléspoon molassés
- 1 tabléspoon sugar
- pinch of salt
- énough oil to shallow fry thé frittérs.
- In a largé bowl smash thé bananas along with thé égg yolk. Add thé spicés and sugar, combiné togéthér. Add thé flour and milk altérnativély. Whén combinéd- whisk thé égg whités. Slowly add in thé égg whités caréful as not to déflaté thé volumé.
- Héat a largé skillét or cast iron with oil up to about ½ inch on médium héat until hot but not smoking.
- Using a largé spoon scoop up thé battér and fry in batchés. Do not ovér crowd thé pan. Noté: You will séé thé édgé of thé frittérs start to turn a goldén brown color. Turn only oncé.
- Using a slottéd spoon, rémové thé frittérs and placé thém on papér towéls. Allow to sit for about a minuté.
- Sprinklé with conféctionér sugar. Sérvé warm with péanut buttér or nutélla.
SEE MORE >>> www.cookingmaniac.
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