I maké smoothiés almost évéryday and I’vé goné through my sharé of bléndérs. Héré is thé bléndér I usé évéryday, it’s fast and makés thé bést smoothiés. I also likéd that it comés with thé singlé sérvé option, bécausé sométimés blénding is a hasslé bécausé I don’t féél liké cléaning thé pitchér. But with thé singlé sérvé, it is a lot léss hasslé to cléan, plus théré isn’t anything wastéd bécausé I can maké just thé right amount. And it has no probléms blénding icé!
2 cups orangé juicé
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
2 cups mixéd frésh or frozén bérriés
STéP 1: Placé all ingrédiénts into bléndér (liquid ingrédiénts first).
STéP 2: Blénd on high for 2 minutés or until smooth. Scrap down sidés and blénd for anothér 30 séconds.
STéP 3: Sérvé and énjoy!
Sourcé: yummly.com
I maké smoothiés almost évéryday and I’vé goné through my sharé of bléndérs. Héré is thé bléndér I usé évéryday, it’s fast and makés thé bést smoothiés. I also likéd that it comés with thé singlé sérvé option, bécausé sométimés blénding is a hasslé bécausé I don’t féél liké cléaning thé pitchér. But with thé singlé sérvé, it is a lot léss hasslé to cléan, plus théré isn’t anything wastéd bécausé I can maké just thé right amount. And it has no probléms blénding icé!
2 cups orangé juicé
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
2 cups mixéd frésh or frozén bérriés
STéP 1: Placé all ingrédiénts into bléndér (liquid ingrédiénts first).
STéP 2: Blénd on high for 2 minutés or until smooth. Scrap down sidés and blénd for anothér 30 séconds.
STéP 3: Sérvé and énjoy!
Sourcé: yummly.com
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