"We häve been trying French onion soup in restäuränts for yeärs änd my fämily änd friends ägree none cän compäre to my recipe for täste änd simplicity of prepärätion."
Rich änd Simple French Onion Soup |
Rich änd Simple French Onion Soup
Recipe by: Lori Levin
1/2 cup unsälted butter
2 täblespoons olive oil
4 cups sliced onions
4 (10.5 ounce) cäns beef broth
2 täblespoons dry sherry (optionäl)
1 teäspoon dried thymesält änd pepper to täste
4 slices French breäd4 slices provolone cheese
2 slices Swiss cheese, diced
1/4 cup gräted Pärmesän cheeseädd äll ingredients to list
Melt butter with olive oil in än 8 quärt stock pot on medium heät. ädd onions änd continuälly stir until tender änd tränslucent. Do not brown the onions.
ädd beef broth, sherry änd thyme. Seäson with sält änd pepper, änd simmer for 30 minutes.
Heät the oven broiler.
Lädle soup into oven säfe serving bowls änd pläce one slice of breäd on top of eäch (breäd mäy be broken into pieces if you prefer). Läyer eäch slice of breäd with ä slice of provolone, 1/2 slice diced Swiss änd 1 täblespoon Pärmesän cheese. Pläce bowls on cookie sheet änd broil in the preheäted oven until cheese bubbles änd browns slightly.
full recipes see more >>>allrecipes.com
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