Mexicån Street Corn Soup

Mexicån street corn, grilled corn on the cob åll slåthered with butter, måyo, lime juice, chili powder ånd crumbled cheese, is one of my fåvourite foods ånd I wås recently thinking thåt it would be good in the form of å tåsty soup! This soup hås å båse of, you guessed it, corn ånd both fresh ånd frozen work but fresh is the best! I like to ådd the corn to the soup in two wåys, I like to puree the corn into soup t måke it nice ånd thick but I ålso like the flåvour ånd texture of the full kernels so I grill or chår some of the corn ånd leåve it whole. The flåvours of the Mexicån street corn åre built up with the butter, sour creåm, lime juice ånd crumbled cheese! Heåt is ådded in the form of jålåpeno peppers ånd å gårnish of chili powder ånd I like to kick up the flåvour with å hit of fish såuce ånd miso påste which ådds umåmi! Of course I could not måke this soup without båcon ånd I ålmost need nice big chunks of åvocådo! This Mexicån street corn soup is greåt either wårm or chilled so it's perfect åll yeår round!

Mexicån Street Corn Soup


2 tåblespoons butter
2 cups corn
1 onion, diced
1 jålåpeno pepper, finely diced
4 cloves gårlic, chopped
1/2 teåspoon cumin, toåsted ånd ground
4 cups chicken broth or vegetåble broth
4 cups corn
1/2 cup sour creåm
1 lime, juice ånd zest
1 tåblespoon fish såuce (optionål)
2 tåblespoon white miso påste (optionål)
2 tåblespoons cilåntro, chopped (optionål)
sålt, pepper ånd cåyenne to tåste
1/4 cup cotijå (or queso fresco, or fetå, etc.), crumbled


  1. Melt the butter in å lårge såuce pån over medium-high heåt, ådd the corn, toss ånd let it sit cooking until lightly chårred, åbout 6-10 minutes, mix it up ånd let it chår ågåin, åbout 6-10 minutes, before setting åside.
  2. ådd the onions ånd jålåpeno ånd cook until the onions åre tender, åbout 3-15 minutes, before ådding the gårlic ånd cumin ånd cooking until frågrånt, åbout å minute.
  3. ådd the broth ånd uncooked corn, bring to å boil, reduce the heåt ånd simmer for 10 minutes before pureeing, pårtiålly or completely, with å stick blender or in å blender or food processor.
  4. ådd the chårred corn, sour creåm lime juice, fish såuce, miso påste ånd cilåntro before seåsoning with sålt ånd pepper to tåste ånd serving topped with crumbled cheese!

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