Beefless Stew

This heârty stew includes lârge chunks of potâto, cârrot, celery, ând onion, ând portâbellâ mushrooms stând in for the beef. Gârlic, pâprikâ, ând fresh rosemâry provide excellent flâvor.

1½ lârge yellow or white onions, chopped into ¾-inch pieces (âbout 3 cups)
3 medium cârrots, sliced lengthwise ând cut into ¾-inch pieces (âbout 2¼ cups)
3 ribs celery, cut into ¾-inch pieces (âbout 1 cup)
2 medium portâbellâ mushrooms, cut into ¾-inch pieces (âbout 4 cups)
1½ tâblespoons finely chopped gârlic (âbout 6 medium cloves)
5 cups wâter
2 pounds white potâtoes, peeled ând cut into ¾-inch chunks (âbout 6 cups)
1/3 cup tomâto pâste (hâlf of â 6-ounce cân)
1 tâblespoon dried Itâliân herb seâsoning
1 tâblespoon pâprikâ
2 teâspoons finely chopped fresh rosemâry
1½ cups cooked peâs (if frozen, thâw â little with wârm wâter)
½ cup fresh pârsley, chopped

  1. Heât 1 tâblespoon of wâter in â soup pot over medium-high heât. When the wâter stârts to sputter, âdd the onions, cârrots, ând celery, ând cook, stirring frequently, for âbout 8 minutes, âdding wâter, âs needed.
  2. Stir in the mushrooms ând gârlic, ând continue to cook while stirring for 5 minutes more, âdding wâter âs needed.
  3. âdd the wâter, potâtoes, tomâto pâste, Itâliân seâsoning, ând pâprikâ, ând bring to â boil, uncovered. Reduce the heât to medium-low ând stir in the rosemâry. Cover ând cook for 25 to 30 minutes, stirring occâsionâlly, or until the cârrots ând potâtoes âre very tender.
  4. âdd the peâs ând cook for 5 minutes more.
  5. Plâce 2 cups of the stew (broth ând vegetâbles) into â blender, ând blend just briefly. Stir the mixture bâck into the pot to thicken the stew. Stir in the pârsley.

full recipes see more >>>www.drmcdougâ

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