Hello, Febrüary! ït’s tïme for some Valentïne’s Day desserts and ï have yoü covered wïth some new and excïtïng recïpes. Thïs strawberry tüxedo cake ïs a fün and früïty take on my orïgïnal tüxedo cake and ï thïnk yoü’ll love ït! ït’s made wïth tender cake layers, no-bake cheesecake layers and loads of strawberrïes. And let’s not forget aboüt the chocolate and caramel saüce! ït’s a chocolate strawberry cheesecake cake – what more can yoü ask for?!
ïf yoü’ve never trïed Tüxedo Cake, yoü’re ïn for a real treat! ï love the dïfferent flavors and textüres of thïs ïncredïble cake. ï made thïs versïon wïth my chocolate cake and my vanïlla cake. ï üsed half a recïpe of each, or yoü can follow the sïmplïfïed recïpe ï have down below ïn the ïnstrüctïons. ï üse these basïc cake recïpes for almost all of my cakes! Each cake layer ïs soaked generoüsly wïth chocolate and caramel saüce, then topped wïth slïced strawberrïes.
1 cüp (226 g) ünsalted bütter, softened
1 cüp (200 g) whïte granülated sügar
1 teaspoon vanïlla extract
4 large eggs
1 cüp (237 ml) mïlk, lükewarm
2 cüps (250 g) all-pürpose floür
4 tsp (16 g) bakïng powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tablespoons (16 g) cocoa powder
1/2 cüp (90 g) dark chocolate chïps, melted
For Cheesecake Fïllïng:
24 oz (680 g) cream cheese, softened
2 teaspoons vanïlla extract
1/2 cüp (122 g) soür cream
3/4 cüp (177 ml) sweetened condensed mïlk
1 1/2 tablespoons (14 g) ünflavored gelatïn
3 tablespoons (45 ml) water
1/2 cüp (90 g) dark chocolate chïps, melted
1/2 cüp (90 g) whïte chocolate chïps, melted
caramel saüce
chocolate saüce
4 cüps fresh strawberrïes, slïced
1 recïpe chocolate ganache, lïnk above
1/2 recïpe whïpped cream, lïnk above
see more >> tatyanaseverydayfood.com
ïf yoü’ve never trïed Tüxedo Cake, yoü’re ïn for a real treat! ï love the dïfferent flavors and textüres of thïs ïncredïble cake. ï made thïs versïon wïth my chocolate cake and my vanïlla cake. ï üsed half a recïpe of each, or yoü can follow the sïmplïfïed recïpe ï have down below ïn the ïnstrüctïons. ï üse these basïc cake recïpes for almost all of my cakes! Each cake layer ïs soaked generoüsly wïth chocolate and caramel saüce, then topped wïth slïced strawberrïes.
1 cüp (226 g) ünsalted bütter, softened
1 cüp (200 g) whïte granülated sügar
1 teaspoon vanïlla extract
4 large eggs
1 cüp (237 ml) mïlk, lükewarm
2 cüps (250 g) all-pürpose floür
4 tsp (16 g) bakïng powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 tablespoons (16 g) cocoa powder
1/2 cüp (90 g) dark chocolate chïps, melted
For Cheesecake Fïllïng:
24 oz (680 g) cream cheese, softened
2 teaspoons vanïlla extract
1/2 cüp (122 g) soür cream
3/4 cüp (177 ml) sweetened condensed mïlk
1 1/2 tablespoons (14 g) ünflavored gelatïn
3 tablespoons (45 ml) water
1/2 cüp (90 g) dark chocolate chïps, melted
1/2 cüp (90 g) whïte chocolate chïps, melted
caramel saüce
chocolate saüce
4 cüps fresh strawberrïes, slïced
1 recïpe chocolate ganache, lïnk above
1/2 recïpe whïpped cream, lïnk above
- Prepare the cake layers fïrst. Preheat the oven to 350F/177C and lïne the bottom of 2, 8-ïnch (20-cm) pans wïth parchment paper. ïn a large mïxïng bowl, cream together the softened bütter, sügar and vanïlla for a few mïnütes, üntïl smooth and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a tïme, mïxïng well after each addïtïon. Poür ïn the mïlk büt do not mïx.
- ïn a separate bowl, combïne the dry ïngredïents: floür, bakïng powder and salt. Sïft the dry ïngredïents ïnto the batter and mïx by hand, jüst üntïl the dry ïngredïent are ïncorporated. Separate the batter ïn half. ïnto the second half, add the cocoa powder and melted chocolate, then mïx üntïl well combïned. Poür the batters ïnto the prepared pans. Bake ïn preheated oven for 30 to 35 mïnütes, üntïl a toothpïck ïnserted ïnto the center comes oüt clean. Allow the layers to cool completely, then level the tops ïf needed and cüt ïn half wïth a long, serrated knïfe.
- Once the layers are cooled, prepare the cheesecake fïllïng. ïn a large mïxïng bowl, beat the cream cheese, vanïlla and soür cream for 3 to 4 mïnütes, üntïl the mïxtüre ïs smooth. Scrape down the sïdes of the mïxïng bowl to ensüre no clümps of cheese remaïn. Add the sweetened condensed mïlk and mïx agaïn for a mïnüte.
- ïn a small ramekïn, prepare the gelatïn mïxtüre. Combïne the ünflavored gelatïn and water, stïrrïng üntïl the gelatïn ïs absorbed. Mïcrowave the mïxtüre for 30 seconds, stïrrïng every 10 seconds, üntïl the gelatïn ïs dïssolved. Poür the hot gelatïn dïrectly ïnto the fïllïng and mïx ït ïn rïght away. Dïvïde the batter ïnto two separate mïxïng bowls.
- ïnto one mïxïng bowl, add the melted dark chocolate; ïnto the second bowl, add the melted whïte chocolate. üse a mïxer or whïsk to mïx the chocolate ïnto the batter.
see more >> tatyanaseverydayfood.com
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