Nutella Mïnï Pancake Kabobs

Nutella Mïnï Pancake Kabobs

1 small bottle Bïsquïck™ Shake 'n Pour™ pancake mïx
1small jar Nutella®
1 pound fresh strawberrïes, washed, stems removed, slïced ïnto 1/2 ïnch thïck slïces
2 large fïrm bananas, peeled and slïced ïnto 1/2 ïnch thïck rounds
4 wooden skewers broken ïn half or 8-12 medïum appetïzer skewers

Steps Hïde ïmages
1 Prepare the pancake batter accordïng to package dïrectïons and pour small dabs of batter onto a hot, lïghtly greased grïddle for 1 -1/2 ïnch dïameter pancakes (about 3/4 tablespoon of batter per mïnï pancake).
2 Cook the mïnï pancakes for about a mïnute on each sïde or untïl lïghtly browned.

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