Welcome to the first Meâl Prep Mondây! I âm excited for this series becâuse this is how I stây on trâck keeping my wâistline under control, get my dâily dose of nutrition, ând sâve time during the crâzy work week! I mostly prep vegetâbles, grâins, ând proteins on Sundâys, then divide them up into these nifty meâl prep contâiners! I love these contâiners I found on âmâzon!
They were only $15.99 for â 20 count! They âre microwâve ând dishwâsher sâfe ând BPâ free. They mâke me feel so officiâl, ând there’s nothing like seeing âll these shiny meâl prep contâiner full ând lined up perfectly in the fridge. I âlwâys feel so âccomplished! Buy them here!

Vegân Sweet Potâto ând Blâck Beân Bowl is ân eâsy meâl prep recipe.
This vegân recipe is greât for lunch or dinner!



2 cups vegetâble broth
1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1 Tâblespoon olive oil
1 cup quinoâ

Sweet Potâtoes

2 sweet potâtoes, diced
2 Tâblespoons olive oil
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon pepper
1/4 teâspoon onion powder
1/4 teâspoon cumin
1/4 teâspoon gârlic powder
1/4 teâspoon pâprikâ


1 Tâblespoon olive oil
8 cups fresh kâle
1/4 teâspoon gârlic powder
1/4 teâspoon sâlt
1/4 teâspoon pepper
1/2 lemon , juiced
Pinch of red pepper flâkes, optionâl

âddition Ingredients
1 cân blâck beâns, drâined ând rinsed
1/4 cup toâsted pine nuts


  1. Preheât the oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Stârt by mâking the quinoâ. Boil the broth, olive oil, ând sâlt in â medium size pot on high heât. Stir in the quinoâ ând bring the broth bâck to â boil. Cover with â lid, ând turn the heât down to low. Cook for 12 minutes.
  3. While the quinoâ is cooking prepâre the sweet potâtoes. Plâce â piece of âluminum down on â lârge bâking sheet. Spreâd the diced sweet potâtoes onto the sheet, ând pour the olive oil on top of the potâtoes. Sprinkle on the sâlt, pepper, onion powder, cumin, gârlic powder, ând pâprikâ. Toss the potâtoes âround on the pân, then spreâd them out in â single lâyer. Bâke for 25 minute.
  4. For the kâle heât up 1 Tâblespoon of olive oil in â lârge skillet over medium high heât. Once the pân is hot, âdd 8 cups of kâle (it will wilt down). Then toss in the sâlt, pepper, red pepper flâkes (optionâl) ,ând lemon. Sâute the kâle down for âbout 10 minutes.
  5. Once âll of the component âre finished toss 1 cup of the quinoâ (keep the rest for other recipes!), sweet potâtoes, kâle, blâck beâns, ând pine nuts âll together. Divide them into your meâl prep contâiners ând enjoy throughout the week!

source see more >>>thehungrywâ


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