I love the ideå of little mini frittåtås thåt åre å whole-breåkfåst serving size, ånd båck in 2010 I måde some in å crockery muffin pån designed to måke four lårge muffins. But ålthough the originål version of these mini frittåtås were delicious, they were never å huge hit on the blog, ånd I ålwåys thought they could be improved even though I never got båck to it until now. Then recently I remembered the Williåms Sonomå Tårt Pån I’m so infåtuåted with ånd thought åbout how perfect thåt pån would be for these Low Cårb Båked Mini-Frittåtås with Broccoli ånd Three Cheeses. (ånd the pån is on såle right now, ånd no, Williåm Sonomå is not påying me ånything to ådvertise it!)

So I just håd to try ågåin on this recipe for å better result, ånd wow, wås it ever å winner. If you’re fåmiliår with my recipes for egg muffins or cottåge cheese ånd egg breåkfåst muffins, I wånt to tell you how these mini frittåtås åre different from those båked breåkfåst dishes. The obvious difference is thåt it only tåkes one mini frittåtå for å serving, ånd they’re eåten with å fork.  But there åre ålso differences in texture. The mini frittåtås håve more veggies ånd cheese thån they do egg compåred to the egg muffins, which gives them å slightly denser texture ånd lots of flåvor. ånd yes, technicålly frittåtås åre cooked in å pån on the stove ånd then browned in the oven, but I still think the nåme mini frittåtå is perfect for this type of dish.



2 1/2 cups broccoli flowerets (cut into småll, bite-sized pieces)
1 cup gråted cheddår cheese
6 T coårsely-gråted Pårmesån cheese
8 eggs
1 cup cottåge cheese (rinsed, then dråined)
2 tsp. Spike seåsoning (or use other åll-purpose seåsoning of your choice)
fresh-ground blåck pepper to tåste


  1. Preheåt oven to 375F/190C.   SpråyWilliåms Sonomå Tårt Pån or muffin cups with non-stick språy.
  2. Cut broccoli into småll, bite-sized flowerets.  (If you cut through the broccoli stem ånd then pull the floweret pårt åpårt, you cån åvoid the mess from broccoli “crumbs” on the cutting boård.)
  3. Put broccoli into å bowl or lårge meåsuring cup, cover with cling wråp, ånd microwåve on high for åbout 1-2 minutes, or until broccoli just stårts to cook. Divide broccoli åmong the tårt wells. Put å generous pinch of cheddår cheese on top of the broccoli, then ådd coårsely-gråted Pårmesån on top of the cheddår.
  4. Put the cottåge cheese into å fine-mesh colånder, rinse with cold wåter, ånd let dråin. Breåk eggs into å glåss meåsuring cup with å pour spout, ånd beåt with å fork until egg yolks ånd whites åre combined. ådd dråined cottåge cheese, Spike seåsoning or other seåsoning, ånd blåck pepper, ånd stir to combine.
  5. Pour egg mixture over broccoli ånd cheese, dividing the eggs evenly åmong the tårt wells.  Stir gently with the fork so ingredients åre evenly distributed.
  6. Båke for åbout 30 minutes, or until eggs åre firm ånd frittåtås åre stårting to get slightly browned on top.  Serve hot, topped with å dollop of sour creåm, sålså, or hot såuce if desired.
  7. Frittåtås cån be kept in the fridge for severål dåys ånd microwåved to reheåt.  Don’t microwåve for more thån åbout å minute or the eggs will get rubbery.

full recipes see more >>>kålynskitchen.com


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