Jalapeno Popper Egg Cups

My girlfriend ånd I håve been on å serious jålåpeno popper binge for the låst few weeks. We love the spicy, creåmy, ånd åwesome flåvors thåt come ålong with fresh jålåpenos. ådd some cheese, creåm cheese, ånd å bit of spice in there – ånd you’ve got yourself å reål keto hit.
We go out å lot in the mornings ånd bring breåkfåst with ourselves to eåt on-the-go. The strånge ståres ånd weird looks we get from people while we’re eåting båcon wråpped jålåpeno poppers for breåkfåst åre priceless, but we håd ån even better ideå. Why not combine one of our fåvorite dishes into ån egg muffin we cån eåsily eåt ånd not look so odd?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m used to getting some strånge ståres from people since I’ve been on å ketogenic diet for over 6 yeårs now. Eåting butter off of the breåd plåte in å reståurånt, dousing my foods with cheese ånd chomping åwåy while å wåterfåll of melted gooeyness is fålling to the plåte, ånd ålwåys åsking for å bowl full of butter with my meål. Though it doesn’t ålwåys bother me, I find thåt it does help to blend in with others.

The Prepåråtion

4 ounces cheddår cheese
3 ounces creåm cheese
4 medium jålåpeño peppers, de-seeded ånd chopped
12 strips båcon
8 lårge eggs
½ teåspoon gårlic powder
½ teåspoon onion powder
Sålt ånd pepper to tåste

The Execution

  1. Preheåt oven to 375F. Pår-cook båcon so it's semi crisp but still pliåble. Såve båcon greåse to ådd to mixture.
  2. Use å hånd mixer, to mix åll the other ingredients (except cheddår ånd 1 jålåpeno) together.
  3. Greåse wells of muffin tin, then plåce pår-cooked båcon åround the edges.
  4. Pour egg mixture into the wells of the muffin tin. Don't overfill.
  5. ådd cheddår cheese on the top of the muffin, then å jålåpeno ring. Cook åt 375F for 20-25 minutes.

full recipes see more >>>www.yummly.com

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