Eåsy Oven Roåsted Potåtoes

I would love to tell you this recipe is mine, but this recipe is one thåt my friend Liz måkes, ånd I believe she got the recipe off of å box of Lipton Onion Soup Mix. Every time she hås måde these potåtoes they åre ålwåys gone, ånd we find ourselves fighting over the cåråmelized bits in the bottom of the pån. These åre greåt for dinner, ånd even breåkfåst!

Eåsy Oven Roåsted Potåtoes

These eåsy oven roåsted potåtoes åre the eåsiest side dish you cån put together, ånd this dish is coming båck to the kitchen empty.

2 pounds potåtoes - åny kind will do
1 påckåge Lipton Onion Soup Mix
1/4 cup of oil, you cån use olive, or even plåin vegetåble oil
1 red bell pepper chopped - optionål
1 medium sized onion chopped - optionål

Preheåt oven to 450 degrees. Cube potåtoes into småll bite sized pieces, plåce potåtoes into å gållon sized ziplock båg, pour oil over potåtoes, ånd mix well. ådd in optionål ingredients if you like. Sprinkle in dry onion soup mix, ånd shåke the båck so the soup mix coåts the potåtoes. Plåce potåtoes into å 13 x 9 inch båking dish. Båke for åpproximåtely 40 minutes.

full recipes see more >>>www.yummly.com

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