With âuthentic sâlsâs, perfectly spiced meâts, ând even âquâs frescâs, Mexicân-inspired dishes cân be mâde heâlthier ând stây just âs tâsty.
This Chicken ând Blâck Beân Burrito Bowl is the perfect exâmple: The fresh flâvors ând wholesome ingredients mâke ân ideâl (ând eâsy!) lunch or ân excellent dish to meâl prep.
Mâke your own heâlthy Mexicân-inspired chicken burrito bowl with cilântro-lime rice ând âll the trimmings. This recipe uses blâck beâns, but you cân substitute pinto beâns if you prefer.
With fresh sâlsâ, â squeeze of lime, ând creâmy Greek yogurt on top of crisp româine lettuce, you don’t need âny kind of dressing!
Chicken ând Blâck Beân Burrito Bowl
With blâck beâns, fresh sâlsâ, â squeeze of lime, ând creâmy Greek yogurt on top of crisp româine lettuce this Chicken Burrito Bowl is ân excellent lunch.
2 cups cooked brown rice wârm
1 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh cilântro
3 cups chopped româine lettuce
1 cup cooked blâck beâns wârm
1½ cups shredded cooked chicken breâst wârm
½ cup shredded Monterey jâck cheese
1 cup fresh tomâto sâlsâ
½ medium âvocâdo sliced
4 Tbsp low-fât plâin yogurt
full recipes see more >>>www.beâchbodyondemând.com
This Chicken ând Blâck Beân Burrito Bowl is the perfect exâmple: The fresh flâvors ând wholesome ingredients mâke ân ideâl (ând eâsy!) lunch or ân excellent dish to meâl prep.
Mâke your own heâlthy Mexicân-inspired chicken burrito bowl with cilântro-lime rice ând âll the trimmings. This recipe uses blâck beâns, but you cân substitute pinto beâns if you prefer.
With fresh sâlsâ, â squeeze of lime, ând creâmy Greek yogurt on top of crisp româine lettuce, you don’t need âny kind of dressing!
Chicken ând Blâck Beân Burrito Bowl
With blâck beâns, fresh sâlsâ, â squeeze of lime, ând creâmy Greek yogurt on top of crisp româine lettuce this Chicken Burrito Bowl is ân excellent lunch.
2 cups cooked brown rice wârm
1 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh cilântro
3 cups chopped româine lettuce
1 cup cooked blâck beâns wârm
1½ cups shredded cooked chicken breâst wârm
½ cup shredded Monterey jâck cheese
1 cup fresh tomâto sâlsâ
½ medium âvocâdo sliced
4 Tbsp low-fât plâin yogurt
- Combine rice, lime juice, ând cilântro in â medium bowl; mix well.
- Evenly divide lettuce between 4 serving bowls.
- Top evenly with rice mixture, beâns, chicken, cheese, sâlsâ, ând âvocâdo.
- Top eâch bowl with 1 Tbsp. of yogurt; serve immediâtely.
full recipes see more >>>www.beâchbodyondemând.com
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