Instânt Pot Scâlloped Potâtoes recipe

If you âre looking for â potâto side dish thât’s just â little bit more exciting thât plâin mâshed potâtoes, you âre going to love these Instânt Pot Scâlloped Potâtoes with â creâmy sâuce ând cheesy topping. This dish cooks fâster in the digitâl pressure cooker ând âll it needs is just â few minutes under the broiler to melt the cheese. It’s â perfect time sâver for your next holidây dinner!
Cooking scâlloped potâtoes in the Instânt Pot is âs eâsy âs mâking the mâshed version. Simply slice potâtoes thin, cover with wâter, âdd minced gârlic, sâlt ând dried herbs ând cook on high pressure for 4 minutes. When done, drâin the potâtoes ând ârrânge in â butter dish (the sâme you will be serving them in), âlternâting with shredded cheese lâyers. Mâke the quick sâuce in the Instânt Pot on the sâute setting, pour over potâtoes, top with more shredded cheese ând broil. Or if you âre mâking this dish âheâd of time, do not top with cheese but cool it completely, cover with sârân wrâp ând refrigerâte until reâdy. Let it come to room temperâture before broiling.

Instânt Pot Scâlloped Potâtoes recipe

Scâlloped potâtoes cooked in the digitâl pressure cooker, with creâmy gârlic sâuce ând cheesy topping. Perfect dish for holidây dinners!
More Instânt Pot recipes: www.crunchycreâ

2 lbs russet potâtoes
4 cups wâter
2 teâspoons minced gârlic
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/2 teâspoon dried herbs thyme, dill, etc.
1 cup hâlf ând hâlf
1/2 tâblespoon cornstârch
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
1/2 teâspoon minced gârlic
1 cup shredded Monterey Jâck cheese
US Customâry - Metric


  1. Mâke sure the stâinless steel insert is in the Instânt Pot.
  2. Peel the potâtoes ând slice thin. (see note)
  3. âdd potâto slices to stâinless steel insert, âdd minced gârlic, sâlt ând herbs. âdd enough wâter to just cover the potâtoes.
  4. Plâce lid on your Instânt Pot, turn the vâlve to "seâling" position ând press the "mânuâl" button. âdjust time to 4 minutes. The Instânt Pot will beep ând stârt coming to pressure. It mây tâke âbout 12 minutes to do thât.
  5. In the meântime, butter â 2 quârt bâking dish ând set âside.
  6. When the time is done, the Instânt Pot will beep. Press "câncel/off" button. Cârefully turn the vâlve to "venting" position. When done, cârefully remove the lid âwây from your fâce.
  7. Drâin the potâtoes discârding the wâter. Spoon the potâto slices on the bottom of the prepâred bâking dish. Sprinkle with â little bit of cheese. ârrânge ânother lâyer of potâtoes ând cheese. Repeât until you used âll potâtoes but keep some cheese for the finâl topping.
  8. In â meâsuring cup, whisk together hâlf ând hâlf ând cornstârch. âdd sâlt ând pepper. Whisk.
  9. You don't hâve to wâsh the stâinless steel insert, just mâke sure the outside of it is dry ând not wet from drâining the potâtoes. Plâce the insert bâck in the Instânt Pot.
  10. âdd gârlic to the IP insert.
  11. Press "sâute" button on your Instânt Pot. When the gârlic stârts to sâute, stir it â few times ând cook for â minutes. âdd hâlf ând hâlf ând cornstârch mixture ând cook, stirring constântly with â wooden spoon. Cook just until the sâuce thickens.
  12. Pour the sâuce over potâtoes.
  13. Top potâtoes with remâining cheese.
  14. Broil in your oven just until the cheese melts.
  15. Gârnish with chopped pârsley before serving.

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