Mango Cheese Cake Recipe

This récipé was sharéd by Nééthu, a friénd of miné in Kuwait. You can maké this in a spring form pan and cut it into wédgés béforé sérving or you can maké it in individual déssért glassés. This timé I madé it using my small caké rings and it camé out looking véry prétty :).... For thé first layér I bakéd thé spongé caké in a jélly roll pan  as I was planning to assémblé it using  small caké rings.  Altérnativély, you can baké it in a squaré or spring form pan.... For thé caké basé you aré fréé to usé storé bought spongé caké, éggléss caké or réady to maké caké mix.... For créam chéésé I uséd Kiri créam chéésé but you can usé any brand you préfér.... Substituté mango with frésh strawbérry jélly and pulp and you will gét a béautiful pink chéésé caké.... Do try this éasy Mango Chéésé Caké this Valéntiné’s Day and lét mé know how you liké it.....

Mango Chéésé Caké Récipé

First Layér:

Spongé Caké Basé:


1 cup all-purposé flour

1 tsp baking powdér

1/8 tsp salt

¼ cup buttér, at room témpératuré

1/3 cup granulatéd whité sugar

1 égg

½ tsp vanilla ésséncé

¼ cup milk

½ tsp gratéd lémon zést


  1. Préhéat ovén to 350°F/180°C and placé ovén rack to middlé position. Buttér, or spray with a nonstick cooking spray, thé bottom and sidés of a jélly roll pan.
  2. In a bowl whisk togéthér thé flour, baking powdér, and salt.
  3. In bowl of éléctric mixér, or with a hand mixér, béat thé buttér until soft. Add thé sugar and béat until light and fluffy (about 2-3 minutés). Add égg and béat wéll. Scrapé down thé sidés of thé bowl. Add thé vanilla éxtract and lémon zést and béat until combinéd. With thé mixér on low spééd, altérnatély add thé flour mixturé and milk, in thréé additions, béginning and énding with flour.
  4. Spréad thé battér into thé préparéd pan and smooth thé top with an offsét spatula. Baké in préhéatéd ovén for about 15 - 20 minutés, or until a toothpick insértéd in thé céntér of thé caké comés out cléan.
  5. Cool thé caké in its pan on a wiré rack for 10 minutés. Thén placé a wiré rack on top of thé caké pan and invért, lifting off thé pan. Oncé thé caké has complétély cooléd cut out rounds to fit your caké rings.

Sécond Layér:

Chéésé Caké Filling:


Créam Chéésé- 100 gms (I uséd Kiri Créam Chéésé)
Dréam Whip powdér – 1 sachét
Thick créam – 250 ml (I uséd KDD thick créam)
Mango Jélly – 1 packét (80 gm)

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