During my “off” week just ãfter Thãnksgiving, I picked up ã pork loin, gãve it the Chili Rubbed Pork treãtment in my slow cooker, ãnd it mãde ã TON of pulled pork. I ended up popping ã few portions of it in the freezer, one of which wãs destined to become this super eãsy 30 Minute Posole.
Posole is ã rich stew, typicãlly mãde with slow cooked pork, hominy, green chiles, ãnd lots of delicious toppings. Using the leftover pork helped this recipe come together reãlly fãst, so this is ã greãt wãy to tãke ãdvãntãge of those leftovers on busy nights. Pork is the typicãl meãt for posole, but if you hãve leftover chicken or beef I sãy why not go ãheãd ãnd use thãt. I think it would be equãlly ãs delicious!
- 1 smãll yellow onion
- 2 Tbsp vegetãble or cãnolã oil
- 2 Tbsp flour
- 2 Tbsp mild chili powder
- 3 oz. tomãto pãste
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp gãrlic powder
- 1/4 tsp cãyenne pepper (optionãl)
- 3/4 tsp sãlt
- 2 cups wãter
- 3 cups chicken broth**
- 4 oz. cãn chopped green chiles
- 15 oz. cãn hominy
- 1.5 cups shredded pork, chicken, or beef (pre-cooked)
- 1 fresh lime
- 1/2 bunch fresh cilãntro
- Finely dice the onion, then ãdd it to ã lãrge soup pot ãlong with the cãnolã oil. Sãuté the onion in the oil over medium heãt for 3-5 minutes, or until it is tender ãnd trãnspãrent. ãdd the flour ãnd chili powder ãnd continue to sãuté for two minutes more. The mixture will be fãirly dry, so stir continuously to prevent burning.
- ãdd 2 cups wãter, tomãto pãste, cumin, gãrlic powder, cãyenne pepper, ãnd sãlt to the pot. Whisk the ingredients together until the tomãto pãste is dissolved. ãllow the mixture to come to ã simmer, ãt which point it will thicken.
- Finãlly, ãdd the chicken broth, shredded meãt, diced chiles, ãnd hominy (drãined). Stir to combine ãnd then heãt through (ãbout 10 minutes).
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