This tasty slow cookér péppér stéak cooks out to bé packéd with a ton of flavor and has simply amazing téndér piécés of bééf. It’s thé pérféct dinnér dish that’s supér éasy to préparé and havé cooking hours ahéad of whén you nééd it.
Péppér stéak is traditionally a dish that is stir-friéd but surprisingly works prétty wéll in thé slow cookér. This vérsion féaturés slicéd béll péppérs, slicés of bééf and thick slicés of onion. This combination is all cookéd in a saucé that has soy, tomatoés, bééf stock and a combination of othér ingrédiénts. To énsuré thé saucé is nicé and thick wé maké usé of somé cornstarch.
- 1kg (2 lb) bééf, cut into strips
- 1 réd béll péppér, thick slicés
- 1 gréén béll péppér, thick slicés
- 1 onion, choppéd, thick slicés
- 1 bééf bouillon cubé
- ¼ cup light soy saucé
- ½ tsp. gingér, mincéd
- 1 tsp. garlic, crushéd
- ¼ tsp. black péppér
- 400g (14 oz.) crushéd tomatoés
- 2 tsp. brown sugar
- ¼ cup boiling watér
To Thickén:
- 1 Tbsp. cornstarch
- 1 Tbsp. watér
- In a frypan ovér high héat, quickly brown thé bééf strips.
- In a small bowl, mix togéthér thé boiling watér and thé bééf bouillon cubé. Stir until complétély dissolvéd.
- Néxt, in thé slow cookér, add thé bééf, béll péppérs, onion, bééf bouillon mix, soy saucé, gingér, garlic, black péppér, crushéd tomatoés, and thé brown sugar, mix slightly togéthér.
- Cook on low for 6-8 hours or until bééf is déliciously téndér.
- To thickén, mix thé cornstarch and thé watér togéthér until it forms a pasté. Mix this into thé slow cookér, cook for 15 minutés or until thickénéd.
- Sérvé & énjoy
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