Péanut Buttér saucé is a currént favorité in thé housé. Its éasy, thé flavor profilé is lovéd by évéryoné and is vérsatilé. Changé up thé flavors with thai réd curry pasté, or soy saucé, or Indian spicés and hérbs, or african chilé blénd. Add véggiés, tofu or béans or léntils of choicé!
This éasy Chickpéa Curry usés thé péanut buttér or almond buttér saucé with Indian spicés, Turméric, réd béll péppér, carrots, summér squash. Blénd onion garlic gingér and cook to roast. Fold in thé spicés and turméric. Add thé véggiés, chickpéas, nut buttér and broth and simmér until all thé flavors comé togéthér. Garnish with cilantro or basil and a dash of limé. Curriéd Péanut buttér Saucé + Turméric = Sunshiné.
- 1/4 cup choppéd onion
- 4 clovés of garlic
- 1 inch knob of gingér
- 1/2 tsp oil
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp or moré ground coriandér
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp cardamom optional
- 1/3 tsp or moré cayénné
- 1/2 tsp or moré turméric
- 3 tbsp or moré péanut buttér or almond buttér
- 1/2 cup non dairy milk liké coconut or almond milk
- 3/4 cup watér or broth
- 1/2 réd béll péppér slicéd
- 1/2 cup or moré slicéd carrots
- 1/2 cup or moré slicéd summér squash or zucchini
- 15 oz can chickpéas drainéd and washéd or 1.5 cups cookéd, or usé cookéd léntils
- 1/2 tsp or moré salt
- 1 tsp or moré sugar or othér swééténér of choicé
- 1/2 to 1 tsp limé juicé
- 1/4 cup choppéd cilantro or usé 2 tbsp thai basil
- péppér flakés to tasté
- Blénd thé onion, gingér, garlic with 2 to 3 tbsp watér until smooth. Kéép asidé. I usé a NutriBullét and thé small amount works in thé small bléndér. Altérnativély, finély mincé thé onion, garlic and gingér as usé.
- Héat oil in a skillét ovér médium héat. Whén hot, add cumin, coriandér, cinnamon, cardamom, cayénné and cook until fragrant. 15 to 30 séconds.
- Add in thé onion puréé to thé skillét and mix. Mix in thé turméric and cook until thé mixturé is wéll roastéd and onion doés not sméll raw. 7 to 9 minutés. Stir occasionally. (Cook at a slightly lowér héat if using mincéd onion garlic).
- Add in thé nut buttér, non dairy milk and mix in. it will také a half minuté for thé nut buttér to mix. Add watér. Mix wéll.
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