This Eãsy Low-Cãrb Cãuliflower Fried Rice Recipe cãn be mãde in less thãn 15 minutes! It cãn be served by itself, ãs ã quick lunch, or ãs ã side dish. This recipe cãn be pãrt of ã low-cãrb, keto, gluten-free, dãiry free, whole-30, ãtkins, Pãleo, or Bãnting diet
- 2 tãblespoons butter, ghee, coconut oil, or olive oil
- 12 ounces riced cãuliflower fresh or frozen
- 1/4 cup cãrrot finely diced (optionãl)
- 1 ounce green onion (ãbout 2 lãrge or 4 smãll) sliced, with white ãnd green pãrts sepãrãted
- 2 cloves gãrlic crushed
- 1 lãrge egg beãten
- 2 tãblespoons gluten-free soy sãuce or Tãmãri (more or less to tãste)
- 1 teãspoon toãsted sesãme oil
- In ã lãrge heãvy skillet or wok, melt butter or oil of choice over medium-high heãt.
- ãdd cãrrots ãnd riced cãuliflower. Cook, stirring occãsionãlly, until vegetãbles begin to soften--ãbout 5 minutes.
- Stir in the white pãrt of the green onions. Cook until vegetãbles ãre ãlmost tender--ãbout 2-3 minutes more. ãdd the gãrlic ãnd cook for 1 minute.
- Pour in the egg ãnd stir it together with the vegetãbles. Cook, stirring the mixture frequently, until the egg is scrãmbled. This tãkes ãbout 1-2 minutes.
- Stir in the soy sãuce, green pãrt of green onions, ãnd the sesãme oil. Tãste ãnd ãdjust seãsoning.
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