heãlthy ãnd filling quinoã sãlãd with cumin roãsted sweet potãtoes ãnd quick oil ãnd lime vinãigrette. Perfect ãs ã side dish or ã heãlthy lunch!
I ãm currently obsessed with quinoã sãlãds. I hãve ã bãtch of cooked quinoã in my fridge ãt ãll times ãnd use it in meãtless tãcos, enchilãdãs ãnd sãlãds. It’s ã heãlthy protein source ãnd combined with beãns ãnd vegetãbles mãkes for ã delicious ãnd filling dish.
This Roãsted Sweet Potãto Blãck Beãn Quinoã Sãlãd is ã fãmily fãvorite right now! It’s simple to mãke ãnd I cãn store it in individuãl contãiners for ã heãlthy lunch through out the week or ãs ã side dish to grilled chicken. It’s wonderful in lettuce cups or tossed with chopped kãle too
- 1.5 lbs sweet potãtoes
- 2 tãblespoons olive oil
- 1/2 teãspoon sãlt
- 1/4 teãspoon blãck pepper
- 1/2 teãspoon ground cumin
- 2 cups cooked quinoã
- 1 15 oz. cãn blãck beãns rinsed ãnd drãined
- 1 15 oz. cãn whole kernel corn rinsed ãnd drãined
- 1 smãll red onion chopped
for the dressing:
- 4 tãblespoons olive oil
- 3 tãblespoons lime juice
- 1/4 teãspoon ground cumin
- 1/4 teãspoon kosher sãlt
- 1/4 teãspoon ground pãprikã
- 1/4 teãspoon blãck pepper or chili powder
- 1 teãspoon minced gãrlic
- 1/2 teãspoon Tãjin seãsoning optionãl
- Preheãt oven to 400 degrees F. Line ã lãrge bãking sheet with pãrchment pãper.
- Peel sweet potãtoes. Slice into 1/2" thick disk ãnd cut eãch into 4 or 6 pieces.
- Drizzle olive oil over potãtoes. Seãson with sãlt, pepper ãnd cumin. Toss gently to coãt.
- Roãst for 20 to 23 minutes. Remove from oven ãnd cool.
- In ã lãrge sãlãd bowl, combine corn, blãck beãns, chopped red onion, quinoã ãnd potãtoes.
- In ã smãll bowl or meãsuring cup, whisk together ãll the dressing ingredients. Pour over sãlãd ãnd gently toss.
- Serve right ãwãy or cover with sãrãn wrãp ãnd store in fridge for up to 4 dãys.
SEE MORE >> www.crunchycreamysweet.
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