Déép Friéd Cornish Gamé Héns

To gét startéd, I simply briné thé héns in a simplé salt & sugar watér mixturé.. You know, just liké I usé for my crispy old fashionéd chickén wings. Thé sugar & salt watér briné works liké a buttérmilk briné, howévér it’s chéapér, and in my opinion- BéTTéR! For bést résults, DO NOT skip thé brining stép!


  • Briné
  • 4 cups cold watér
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • Héns
  • 2 cornish gamé héns cléanéd & cavity émptiéd
  • 1 packagé of poultry hérbs blénd includés: rosémary, thymé, and sagé
  • 2 spriggs of marjoram
  • 5 clovés of frésh garlic
  • 2 tsp koshér salt
  • 1 tsp fréshly ground black péppér
  • 1 tsp cayénné péppér
  • 1 cup sélf rising flour
  • 5 cups péanut oil or végétablé oil for déép frying


  1. Cléan thé cornish héns thoroughly.
  2. Combiné thé ingrédiénts for thé briné, and stir until thé sugar and salt dissolvé.
  3. Placé thé cornish héns in a largé bowl, and pour in thé briné.
  4. Briné for 4 hour, or ovérnight.
  5. Rémové thé héns from thé briné, pat dry, thén cut thé backboné off of thé héns.
  6. Grab all of thé hérbs & garlic, and grind thém down into a pasté.
  7. Rub thé héns down with thé pasté, thén séason thé héns with thé salt, black péppér, and cayénné péppér.
  8. Coat thé héns with sélf rising flour, thén lét thém sit for 10 minutés.

SEE MORE >> https://iheartrecipes.

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