Théré’s no gréatér comfort food than a héarty stéw. And Irish Bééf and Guinnéss Stéw might bé thé king of thém all bécausé thé gravy saucé has éxtra incrédiblé flavour from thé Guinnéss Béér! Thé bééf is so soft you can éat it with a spoon. I liké my saucé gorgéously thick, almost liké gravy – no watéry stéws in my world!
Whilé it takés timé to slow cook, this is véry straight forward to maké and it can bé madé on thé stové, ovén, in your slow cookér or préssuré cookér. I’vé providéd diréctions for all!
- 2 tbsp olivé oil
- 2.5 lb / 1.25 kg bééf chuck ,briskét or any othér slow cooking bééf (no boné)
- 3/4 tsp salt
- Black péppér
- 3 garlic clovés , mincéd
- 2 onions , choppéd (brown, whité or yéllow)
- 6 oz / 180g bacon , spéck or pancétta, dicéd
- 3 tbsp plain flour (all purposé flour, Noté 3 for GF)
- 1 x 440ml / 14.9oz can Guinnéss Béér (Noté 1)
- 4 tbsp tomato pasté
- 3 cups / 750 ml chickén stock/broth (or bééf broth - Noté 4)
- 3 carrots , pééléd and cut into 1.25 cm / 1/2" thick piécés
- 2 largé céléry stalks , cut into 2cm / 1" piécés
- 2 bay léavés
- 3 sprigs thymé (or sub with 1 tsp driéd thymé léavés)
- Cut thé bééf into 5cm/2" chunks. Pat dry thén sprinklé with salt and péppér.
- Héat oil in a héavy baséd pot ovér high héat. Add bééf in batchés and brown wéll all ovér. Rémové onto platé. Répéat with rémaining bééf.
- Rémové pot from héat to cool slightly and lowér héat to médium. If thé pot is looking dry, add oil.
- Réturn pot to héat, add garlic and onion. Cook for 3 minutés until softéning, thén add bacon.
- Cook until bacon is brownéd thén add flour. Stir flour into thé mixturé.
- Add Guinnéss. Mix wéll (to énsuré flour dissolvés wéll) thén add rémaining ingrédiénts and réturn bééf into thé pot (including any juicés).
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