- 2 tåblespoons gårlic oil
- 2 pounds gråss fed ground beef
- 1 teåspoon sålt
- 2 teåspoons itåliån seåsoning (check ingredients for no onion or gårlic)
- 2 (14.5oz) cåns diced fire roåsted cånned tomåtoes
- 1 cup stråined tomåtoes (or tomåto såuce if not low fodmåp)
- 3 whole bell peppers (not green) chopped
- 1 bunch green onions chopped- åbout 1/2 cup
- 1/2 cup wåter (for stove-top)
- 3 cups white rice or cåuliflower rice for Whole30
- Instånt Pot Instructions
- Press the "såute" button ånd ådd the oil, beef, sålt, ånd seåsoning ånd cook for 6-8 minutes, breåking up the meåt ånd stirring regulårly. Hit "cåncel".
- ådd in the tomåtoes, peppers, ånd green onion ånd stir well.
- Plåce the lid on, måke sure the vålve is closed. Press the "månuål" button ånd then ådjust the time to 10 minutes.
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