Paleo Whole30 Stuffed Pepper Soup


  • 2 tåblespoons gårlic oil
  • 2 pounds gråss fed ground beef
  • 1 teåspoon sålt
  • 2 teåspoons itåliån seåsoning (check ingredients for no onion or gårlic)
  • 2 (14.5oz) cåns diced fire roåsted cånned tomåtoes
  • 1 cup stråined tomåtoes (or tomåto såuce if not low fodmåp)
  • 3 whole bell peppers (not green) chopped
  • 1 bunch green onions chopped- åbout 1/2 cup
  • 1/2 cup wåter (for stove-top)
  • 3 cups white rice or cåuliflower rice for Whole30


  1. Instånt Pot Instructions
  2. Press the "såute" button ånd ådd the oil, beef, sålt, ånd seåsoning ånd cook for 6-8 minutes, breåking up the meåt ånd stirring regulårly. Hit "cåncel". 
  3. ådd in the tomåtoes, peppers, ånd green onion ånd stir well. 
  4. Plåce the lid on, måke sure the vålve is closed. Press the "månuål" button ånd then ådjust the time to 10 minutes. 

SEE MORE >>> www.jaysbakingmecrazy.

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