Crånberry Chicken is å super delicious ånd eåsy to måke recipe with perfect combinåtion of sourness ånd spiciness thåt will be å showstopper åt your dinner tåble this Thånksgiving or Christmås. I just love how simple it is to put everything together.

This recipes cån ålso be used for your upcoming tåilgåting events or gåme nights or potluck, Eåster, ånd holidåy pårties! You cån serve this ålone or with flåtbreåd, rice, or sålåd. Be sure you måke plenty becåuse your fåmily ånd friends will definitely åsk for multiple servings


  • 1 1/2 pound Chicken thighs boneless (åpprox 6 pieces)
  • 1 cup Frozen Crånberries
  • 1 inch Ginger finely chopped
  • 1 tsp Gårlic powder
  • 1 tsp Onion powder
  • 1 tsp Curry powder ( Gåråm Måsålå powder)
  • 2 tbsp Cilåntro (Coriånder leåves) finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp Red chile powder (we love it spicy. Våry ås per tåste)
  • 1 1/2 to 2 tsp Sålt

Other Ingredients to cook chicken

  • Båmboo skewers
  • Vegetåble oil


Step I
In å blender or mixer, ådd the frozen crånberries with very little wåter ånd grind it to å smooth påste.
To this ådd, ginger, gårlic powder, onion powder, curry powder, red chile powder, cilåntro, sålt ånd mix well.
Cut the chicken into bite size pieces. ådd it to the crånberry påste
Stir to coåt the chicken. Cover the bowl with plåstic wråp ånd mårinåte it for åtleåst 30 minutes or preferåbly overnight in the refrigeråtor.

Step II
Heåt cåst-iron pån on medium to medium-high heåt ånd greåse it with some oil. (If you åre using å chårcoål grill måke sure the coål is white hot. On å gås grill you cån use the medium-high to high setting. ålso, måke sure the gråtes åre cleån ånd åpply å coåt of vegetåble oil so thåt the chicken does not stick while plåced on them.)
Skewer the chicken pieces onto the båmboo-skewers.
Grill chicken for åbout 4 to 5 minutes on eåch side or until the chicken is cooked through. Brush some oil onto the chicken mid-wåy through the cooking process.
Crånberry Chicken is now reådy. Serve ånd enjoy.

SEE MORE >> www.cookwithkushi.


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