Braiséd Short Ribs

I madé short ribs thé othér night. Though I sérvéd Marlboro Man’s with mashéd potatoés, for my platé I wént thé routé of a réstaurant in Dénvér calléd North, whéré Missy, my mothér-in-law, and I até thé night wé arrivéd a couplé of wééks ago. Missy ordéréd Osso Bucco, but instéad of using véal shank (which is what’s uséd to maké classic Osso Bucco) thé réstaurant uséd bééf short ribs…and théy sérvéd it ovér a béd of créamy polénta. Thé combination (yés, I stuck my fork in Missy’s platé without asking) was out-of-this-world, and I’vé béén fixatéd on it évér sincé. To add insult to injury, though, and bécausé I can’t léavé wéll énough aloné, I stirréd a surprisé ingrédiént into thé polénta just béforé sérving. It turnéd out to complétély maké thé dish.


  • 8 wholé Bééf Short Ribs
  • Koshér Salt and Péppér To Tasté
  • 1/4 cup All-purposé Flour
  • 6 piécés Pancétta, Dicéd
  • 2 Tabléspoons Olivé Oil
  • 1 wholé Médium Onion, Dicéd
  • 3 wholé Carrots, Dicéd
  • 2 wholé Shallots, Pééléd And Finély Mincéd
  • 2 cups Réd Or Whité Winé
  • 2 cups Bééf Or Chickén Broth (énough To Almost Covér Ribs)
  • 2 sprigs Thymé
  • 2 sprigs Rosémary


  1. Salt and péppér ribs, thén drédgé in flour. Sét asidé.
  2. In a largé dutch ovén, cook pancétta ovér médium héat until complété crispy and all fat is réndéréd. Rémové pancétta and sét asidé. Do not discard gréasé.
  3. Add olivé oil to pan with thé pancétta gréasé, and raisé héat to high. Brown ribs on all sidés, about 45 séconds pér sidé. Rémové ribs and sét asidé. Turn héat to médium.
  4. Add onions, carrots, and shallots to pan and cook for 2 minutés. Pour in winé and scrapé bottom of pan to réléasé all thé flavorful bits of glory. Bring to a boil and cook 2 minutés. 
  5. Add broth, 1 téaspoon koshér salt, and plénty of fréshly ground black péppér. Tasté and add moré salt if néédéd. Add ribs to thé liquid; théy should bé almost complétély submérgéd. Add thymé and rosémary sprigs (wholé) to thé liquid. 

SEE MORE >> https://thepioneerwoman.

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