Best yet, they are sô simple tô make with nô weird ingredients! This is exactly the theme ôf my bôôk, all my classic favôurite recipes made vegan with nô weird ingredients. Because veganism isn’t really as weird as it sôunds.
Crispy ôn the ôutside, chewy in the middle. Sô easy tô make with nô weird ingredients.
Côurse: Dessert
Dry ingredients:
Wet ingredients:
SEE MORE >>> /itdoesnttastelikechicken
Crispy ôn the ôutside, chewy in the middle. Sô easy tô make with nô weird ingredients.
Côurse: Dessert
Dry ingredients:
- 1 1/4 cups all-purpôse flôur
- 1 cup rôlled ôats
- 1 teaspôôn cinnamôn
- 3/4 teaspôôn baking sôda
- 1/4 teaspôôn salt
Wet ingredients:
- 3/4 cup vegan butter , côld (such as Earth Balance)
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 1/2 cup brôwn sugar
- 2 teaspôôns vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup vegan chôcôlate chips (ôr sub raisins fôr ôatmeal raisin côôkies)
- Preheat yôur ôven tô 350F (180C). Lightly grease a baking pan.
- In a large bôwl, whisk tôgether all the dry ingredients.
- In a medium bôwl, add all the wet ingredients, and use a beater tô cream the vegan butter and sugar tôgether. Dump the wet ingredients intô the dry, and mix. I find different vegan butter brands have different môisture côntents, sô if yôu find the dôugh is a little dry, add up tô 1 Tablespôôn ôf water until the dôugh hôlds tôgether. When it just cômes tôgether stir in the chôcôlate chips. Feel free tô snack ôn côôkie dôugh, it can be eaten raw!
SEE MORE >>> /itdoesnttastelikechicken
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