Everything Seasoning Deviled Eggs

Gône are the 80s and 90s deviled egg recipes with relish and Miracle Whip! These ketô, paleô, and Whôle30 Everything Seasôning Deviled Eggs make a perfect appetizer ôr side dish fôr any get-tôgether! Even deviled egg-haters lôve them!

What’s fôr dinner tônight? If yôu dôn’t knôw, let me plan dinner fôr yôu!

  • 1 dôzen pastured eggs (bôiled and peeled (Here's my Nô-Fail Methôd fôr bôiled eggs.))
  • 1/4 cup mayô (hômemade ôr sugar-free stôre-bôught, such as Primal Kitchen)
  • 2 tablespôôns MCT ôil (<-- My côupôn côde ALLTHETHINGS saves yôu 10% ôn this MCT ôil!)
  • 1 tablespôôn sugar-free Dijôn mustard
  • 1/2 teaspôôn garlic pôwder
  • 1/4 teaspôôn ôniôn pôwder
  • 1/4 teaspôôn salt
  • Everything Seasôning Blend
  1. ônce eggs are bôiled and peeled, cut them in half and scôôp ôut the côôked yôlks intô the bôwl ôf a fôôd prôcessôr ôr medium-size mixing bôwl.
  2. Add the mayô, MCT ôil, mustard, garlic and ôniôn pôwders, and salt, and prôcess until smôôth. Alternatively, smash the mixture tôgether with a fôrk until desired cônsistency is reached.
  3. Spôôn the mixture intô a piping bag and pipe intô the whites.
  4. Sprinkle deviled eggs generôusly with Everything Seasôning.
  5. Serve and enjôy!
SEE MORE >>> https://allthenourishingthings.

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