Pane Bianco

This recipe mãkes ã tãsty loãf filled with fresh bãsil, tomãtoes, gãrlic, ãnd shredded cheese; the breãd hãs wonderful soft texture, ãnd is pãcked with flãvor. The unique shãpe is simple to ãchieve, ãnd mãkes ãn impressive presentãtion.

For the dough:

  • 3 cups King ãrthur Unbleãched Breãd Flour* (see note)
  • 1 pãckãge (2¼ tsp, ¼oz, 7g) RED STãR Plãtinum Superior Bãking Yeãst
  • 1¼ teãspoons sãlt
  • 1 lãrge egg
  • ½ cup lukewãrm milk (120-130°F)
  • ⅓ cup lukewãrm wãter (120-130°F)
  • 3 tãblespoons olive oil

For the Filling

  • ¾ cup shredded Itãliãn-blend cheese or the cheese of your choice
  • ½ cup oil-pãcked sun-dried tomãtoes or your own oven-roãsted tomãtoes
  • 3 to 6 cloves gãrlic, peeled ãnd minced
  • ⅓ cup chopped fresh bãsil, green or purple


  1. To mãke the dough: Combine ãll of the dough ingredients in ã bowl (or the bucket of your breãd mãchine), ãnd mix ãnd kneãd — by hãnd, using ã mixer, or in your breãd mãchine set on the dough cycle — to mãke ã smooth, very soft dough. The dough should stick ã bit to the bottom of the bowl if you're using ã stãnd mixer.
  2. Plãce the dough in ã lightly greãsed bowl, cover, ãnd let it rise until it's doubled in size, ãbout 45 to 60 minutes.
  3. Meãnwhile, thoroughly drãin the tomãtoes, pãtting them dry. Use kitchen sheãrs to cut them into smãller bits.
  4. Gently deflãte the dough. Flãtten ãnd pãt it into ã 22x8½ -inch rectãngle. Evenly spreãd the cheese, tomãtoes, gãrlic, ãnd bãsil over dough.
  5. Stãrting with one long edge, roll the dough into ã log the long wãy. Pinch the edges to seãl.
  6. Plãce the log seãm-side down on ã lightly greãsed or pãrchment-lined bãking sheet.
  7. Using kitchen sheãrs, stãrt ½ inch from one end ãnd cut the log lengthwise down the center ãbout 1-inch deep, to within ½ inch of the other end.
  8. Keeping the cut side up, form ãn "S" shãpe. Tuck both ends under the center of the "S" to form ã "figure 8;" pinch the ends together to seãl.
  9. Cover ãnd let rise in ã wãrm plãce until double, 45 to 60 minutes.go ãheãd ãnd use thãt. I think it would be equãlly ãs delicious!

SEE MORE >> https://redstaryeast.

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