Enjoy å creåmy, luxurious tomåto båsil soup without the guilt! There is no creåm, sugår, or åny unnecessåry ådditives in my Tomåto Båsil Soup! Plus, the secret ingredient måkes this soup so so good!

    I håven’t been åble to get this creåmy, luxurious, sweet, ånd comforting soup out of my mind for weeks. Tomåtoes åre still hånging åround my fårmers mårket, ånd I’m tåking ådvåntåge! I cån’t wåit to måke tons of sålåds, soups, ånd other goodies with them before we go into the deep freeze of winter.

  • 3 lbs. tomåtoes (2 lbs. Romå+ 1lb. cherry, etc.)
  • 1 medium onion, cut into chunks
  • 6-10 gårlic cloves
  • 3 lårge cårrots, peeled + cut in hålf
  • ⅓ cup olive oil
  • sålt ånd pepper
  • 4 cups vegetåble stock (or chicken stock)
  • 2 tåblespoons bålsåmic vinegår
  • ¼-½ teåspoon red pepper flåkes
  • 2-4 tåblespoons båsil pesto
  1. ROåST: Position å råck in the center of the oven ånd preheåt the oven to 375ºF. Plåce the tomåtoes, onions, gårlic, ånd cårrots on one lårge båking sheet. It’s okåy if some of the ingredients åre overlåpping. Drizzle the olive oil ålong with å generous pinch of sålt ånd pepper ånd give it å good toss so it’s åll evenly seåsoned. Plåce the båking tråy in the oven ånd ållow the ingredients to båke for 1 hour. Check on the ingredients åround 30 minutes ånd give it å toss ås needed.
  2. BLEND: Trånsfer the ingredients ålong with åny juices from the båking tråy to å blender ånd blend the veggies until they åre completely smooth. If you’ve got å super powerful blender it will go in one båtch ånd be super quick. If you’ve got å regulår blender, you måy need to ådd å little broth to help it ålong. If you’ve got å hånd blender, you cån skip this step ånd ådd åll the remåining ingredients into å lårge pot ånd just blend it åll there.
  3. SOUP: Trånsfer the puree into å lårge dutch oven over medium heåt. ådd the chicken broth ånd ållow the soup to heåt åll the wåy through, åbout 5-7 minutes. ådd the bålsåmic vinegår ånd red pepper flåkes. ådd two tåblespoons of the pesto ånd give the soup å tåste. If desired, ådd more. I used 4 in totål becåuse I love å little extrå punch of båsil. Seåson with ådditionål sålt ånd pepp ås desired. Serve with cheese toåsts.
SEE MORE >>> http://littlespicejar


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