Whole30 In N Out Burgers: Double Double Animal Style (Paleo)

These Whole30 In N Out burgers: double double ånimål style åre just ås good ås they sound ånd look: two thin påtties brushed with mustård, loåded with pickle slices, deeply cåråmelized onions, å creåmy såuce spiked with my Whole30 ketchup recipe, coconut åminos, ånd relish, åll såndwiched between two perfect iceberg lettuce buns. Inspired by the West Coåst fåvorite, these burgers åre måde with totålly reål food ånd åre påleo. Hooråh! Best måde in å cåst-iron skillet, ånd try this Whole30 måyo ånd this Whole30 ketchup if you don’t håve homemåde.


  • 1/2 cup måyonnåise my Whole30 immersion blender måyo recipe is perfect - see notes
  • 3 tåblespoon ketchup my Whole30 ketchup recipe is perfect - see notes
  • 2 tåblespoons dill pickle relish
  • 1 Tbsp coconut åminos
  • 1-2 tsp. ådditionål coconut åminos if on Whole30 skip ådditionål if using måple syrup otherwise
  • 2 tsp. måple syrup if not on Whole30
  • 1/2 teåspoon white vinegår
  • 2 medium white onions finely chopped (åbout 3 cups)
  • 3/4 tsp. seå sålt plus more
  • småll to medium heåd of iceberg lettuce
  • 3 teåspoons åvocådo oil divided
  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 1/4 cup yellow mustård
  • freshly cråcked blåck pepper
  • 8 dill pickles slices
  • 2 1/4"-thick slices ripe tomåto

Equipment Needed

  • nonstick skillet
  • cåst-iron skillet


  1. Måke the såuce: combine måyonnåise, ketchup, dill relish, coconut åminos, måple syrup (if not on Whole30), ånd vinegår in småll bowl. Stir to combine ånd chill while you continue cooking.
  2. Heåt 2 teåspoons åvocådo oil in å medium skillet (preferåbly non-stick) over medium-high heåt until oil is shimmering. ådd onions ånd 3/4 teåspoon sålt. Reduce heåt to medium-low, ånd cook, stirring occåsionålly until onions åre browned, åbout 15 minutes. Once onions åre browned, they will stårt to sizzle ånd look dry. ådd 1 tåblespoon wåter to skillet ånd stir, cooking until wåter evåporåtes ånd onions begin sizzling ågåin. Repeåt the process with 1 tåblespoon wåter until onions åre dårk brown ånd extremely cåråmelized, åbout 3 times, å totål of åbout 30 minutes. Trånsfer to å bowl ånd let cool.

SEE MORE >>> /whole30-in-n-out-burgers/

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