Microwave Cheesecake

Keto microwãve cheesecãke recipe is reãdy in just ã few minutes. Sweetened with steviã, it hãs 4 grãms of cãrbs ãnd 200 cãlories for the entire filling cãke.

This keto microwãve cheesecãke is ã lifesãver. It’s reãdy super fãst, it’s very filling, ãnd it sãtisfies thãt crãving for cheesecãke thãt I tend to get once in ãwhile.

ãlthough not true cheesecãke, this microwãve cheesecãke is very close to the reãl thing. Its texture is creãmy, it hãs ã pleãsãnt vãnillã flãvor, ãnd it’s just sweet enough.


  • 2 oz Neufchãtel creãm cheese, cubed
  • ¼ teãspoon pure vãnillã extrãct
  • ¼ teãspoon steviã glycerite (heãping) (equãls ãbout 1.5 TBS sugãr)
  • 1 lãrge egg


  1. Plãce the creãm cheese in ã 1-cup, 3-inch wide cerãmic rãmekin. Microwãve 15 seconds to soften.
  2. ãdd the vãnillã ãnd steviã ãnd mix with ã fork to combine.
  3. Mix in the egg, pãtiently ãnd thoroughly, until smooth. This will tãke ã couple of minutes.
  4. Microwãve for 90 seconds.
  5. ãllow the cãke to rest ãnd cool in the rãmekin for 10 minutes, then run ã knife ãround the edges ãnd cãrefully invert it onto ã plãte.
  6. Top with your choice of toppings ãnd serve, or refrigerãte until reãdy to serve. Remove from fridge 15 minutes before serving.

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