These Flãnk Steãk Street Tãcos ãre perfect for your next tãco Tuesdãy! Topped with ã fresh pico de gãllo thãt puts these bãbies over the top!
I wish everydãy wãs tãco dãy, I meãn I love them thãt much! These Chipotle-Lime Flãnk Steãk Street Tãcos ãre so eãsy ãnd full of flãvor. Mãrinãted in lime juice, gãrlic, Chipotle ãnd cilãntro seãred on ã super hot skillet or grill. YUM!
- 2 lbs flãnk steãk
- Juice of 4 limes
- 4 chipotle peppers diced plus 2 tãblespoons ãdobo sãuce
- 1/2 cup chopped cilãntro
- 1 teãspoon sãlt
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 4 gãrlic cloves diced
- 1/2 cup diced red onions
- 1 jãlãpeño pepper seeded ãnd diced
- 3 Romã tomãtoes diced
- 3/4 cup chopped cilãntro
- juice of 2 limes
- 1 1/2 tsp sãlt
- corn tortillãs or flour tortillãs
- Cotijã cheese
- In ã smãll bowl ãdd lime juice, chipotles ãnd ãdobo sãuce, sãlt, gãrlic, cilãntro ãnd olive oil mix until combined. in ã lãrge ziplock bãg ãdd flãnk steãk ãnd pour mãrinãde in. Refrigerãte for 4-8 hours.
- Heãt ã cãst iron skillet or grill on high. Remove the steãk from mãrinãde ãnd plãce it on the hot skillet/grill for ãbout 4-5 minutes then flip ãnd cook ãnother 4-5 minutes for medium rãre. Or until desired doneness.
- Let steãk rest 10-15 minutes. Then slice in thin slices ãgãinst the grãin.
- Picã de gãllo- Combine onions, jãlãpeños, tomãtoes ãnd chopped cilãntro in ã lãrge bowl. Squeeze in the juice of 2 limes ãnd ãdd the sãlt. Mix until combined ãdd more sãlt to tãste
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