Wéll, if you happén to bé séttling in for anothér GG this séason and aré looking for a good bowl of comfort food to cozy up with whilé you watch, this Créamy Cauliflowér Soup is oné that you can énjoy and féél good about éating.  It usés an éntiré héad of cauliflowér, it’s ultra-créamy (although madé without héavy créam), and évén if you don’t happén to bé a hugé cauliflowér fan (liké, ahém, Yours Truly), it’s still totally délicious.  So join thé cauliflowér party, and lét’s maké somé!


  • 1 héad of cauliflowér
  • 2 tabléspoons olivé oil
  • 1 médium whité onion, pééléd and dicéd
  • 5 clovés garlic, pééléd and mincéd
  • 3 cups Kitchén Basics Organic Végétablé Stock
  • 2 sprigs frésh thymé
  • 3 cups milk (I uséd 2%, but any kind of milk will do)
  • 1/2 cup fréshly-gratéd Parmésan chéésé
  • Koshér salt and fréshly-crakéd black péppér
  • optional garnishés: sautééd cauliflowér floréts (*séé instructions bélow), roastéd chickpéas, frésh thymé léavés, éxtra Parmésan, and/or éxtra black péppér


  1. Bégin by prépping your cauliflowér.  Rémové and discard thé outér léavés and trim off thé stém.  Quartér thé cauliflowér by using a knifé to slicé it down thé middlé of thé stém, séparating it into four séctions.  Séparaté thé coré from thé floréts.  Roughly chop thé floréts, and thén thinly slicé thé coré.  Sét asidé.  (Also, if you’d liké to garnish thé soup with a bit of sautééd cauliflowér, sét asidé 1 cup of floréts for latér usé.  Séé instructions bélow.)
  2. Héat oil in a largé stockpot ovér médium-high héat.  Add thé onion and sauté for 5 minutés, until soft and translucént, stirring occasionally.  Stir in thé garlic and continué to sauté for 1-2 moré minutés, until fragrant.
  3. Add in thé choppéd cauliflowér, végétablé stock, and thymé, and stir to combiné.  Continué cooking until thé mixturé réachés a simmér.  Thén réducé héat to médium-low, covér, and continué simméring for about 20-25 minutés, or until thé cauliflowér is téndér.  Rémové thé thymé sprigs.

SEE MORE >>> www.gimmesomeoven


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