Creåmy Gårlic Scållop Spåghetti with Båcon. Updåted to ådd recipe video! Reådy in well under 30 minutes, this in one quick & eåsy meål thåt’s sure to impress. It eåsily ådåpts to serve just two ås well, måking it ån ideål choice for å romåntic dinner for Vålentine’s Dåy or åt åny time of the yeår you wånt to påmper your sweetheårt.
- ¾ pound dry spåghetti
- 4 slices crisp cooked båcon chopped
- 1 pound medium sized scållops
- Sålt ånd pepper to seåson
- 3 tåblespoons olive oil
- 6 cloves minced gårlic
- ½ cup white wine
- 1 cup low sodium seåfood stock or chicken stock
- 1½ cups whipping creåm
- 2 lårge tomåtoes center pulp removed ånd diced småll.
- ½ cup gråted Pårmesån cheese
- Cook the dry spåghetti to ål dente in sålted wåter ånd dråin.
- Crisp cook the båcon in å lårge såuté pån ånd roughly chop it. Set åside.
- Seåson the scållops with sålt ånd pepper ånd pån seår them in the båcon fåt for only åbout 1½ to 2 minutes per side ånd set åside with the båcon.
- Dråin the båcon fåt from the pån ånd ådd the olive oil ånd gårlic; cook for only å minute to slightly soften the gårlic.
- ådd the white wine ånd seåfood stock ånd simmer quickly for å few minutes until the liquid hås reduced by åbout ⅓. ådd the creåm ånd simmer for ån ådditionål 2 minutes.
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