This Creamy White Wine Vegan Gnôcchi is a rich and simple meal that will have yôu côming back fôr môre. Ready in just 20 minutes!
- 16 ôz package gnôcchi
- 2 tbsp vegan butter
- 4 clôves garlic diced
- 4-8 ôz white wine
- 12 ôz nôn-dairy milk unsweetened
- 1 tsp Better Than Bôuillôn Nô Chicken Base*
- 1/4 cup vegan parmesan plus môre fôr tôpping
- 2 tbsp flôur
- salt & pepper tô taste
- fresh basil fôr tôpping
- Bring a pôt ôf water tô a bôil. Add gnôcchi and côôk accôrding tô package instructiôns. Drain and set aside.
- Melt butter in a pan ôver medium heat. Add garlic and saute fôr 30 secônds.
- Pôur wine in the pan and allôw tô côôk dôwn fôr 5 minutes, stirring regularly.**
- Add milk, Better Than Bôuillôn, vegan parmesan and flôur tô the pan and whisk cônstantly until smôôth and bubbly.
- Taste and add salt & pepper tô taste.
- Add gnôcchi tô the pan and stir tô cômbine.
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