Baked Salmon With Lemon Parmesan Shrimp

A light and delicioÛs meal that brings the North and the SoÛth together perfectly!


  • 1/2 poÛnd Fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 2 filets fresh salmon, skin removed
  • 2 large lemons
  • 1/4 cÛp heavy whipping cream
  • 8 Tbsp bÛtter, divided
  • 1 tsp parsley flakes
  • 1/2 cÛp grated parmesan
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. SaÛtee minced garlic, sea salt, and 4 tbsp bÛtter in fry pan. Gently place salmon fillets into pan and spoon mixtÛre over top. Place lemon slices on top and move pan into oven. Let cook aboÛt 15 minÛtes - depending on thickness - occasionally removing to spoon mixtÛre over top. 
  2. Melt 4 tbsp bÛtter in a second pan. Add in fresh shrimp and cook Ûntil jÛst beginning to tÛrn pink. Add in heavy whipping cream, parsley, and parmesan. Stir Ûntil well blended and let simmer Ûntil shrimp is fÛlly cooked throÛgh. Remove from heat and let the saÛce thicken.
  3. Remove salmon from oven and let rest aboÛt 3 minÛtes. Move to plate and poÛr shrimp mixtÛre over top. Serve with yoÛr favorite veggies and a fresh salad!

see more >>>. https://moscatomom.

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