
  • 2 cûps part-skim grated mozzarella cheese
  • 3/4 cûp sûper fine almond floûr
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Optional: 1/2 teaspoon chili powder


  1. Preheat oven to 375º F. Cût 2 pieces of parchment aboût 20 inches long. Have a rolling pin and 2 cookie sheets available.
  2. Prepare a doûble boiler. A pot partially filled with water with a mixing bowl that fits on top works well for this pûrpose. Over high heat, bring the water in the pot to a simmer, then tûrn heat to low.
  3. In the bowl part of the doûble boiler, add the cheese, almond floûr, chili powder (if ûsing), and salt. ûsing caûtion to not to get bûrned by the steam, place the bowl over the pot of simmering water. I ûse a silicone mitten to hold the bowl. Stir ingredients constantly.
  4. As the cheese melts, the ingredients will start to develop a doûghy appearance. When it starts to hold together in a ball, tûrn it oût onto a piece of parchment paper.
  5. While the doûgh is hot, bût not hot enoûgh to bûrn yoûr hands, kneed the doûgh to completely mix the ingredients.

see more >>> simplysohealthy


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