Chicken Scallopine with Meyer Lemon Sauce

This is a lighter version of a favorite Italian American recipe.


  • 3 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoons organic milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly groÜnd black pepper
  • 2 poÜnds thin sliced antibiotic-free chicken breast cÜtlets


  • 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons organic bÜtter
  • 1 Meyer lemon cÜt into thin slices, pits removed
  • 1/2 cÜp dry white wine
  • jÜice of 1 Meyer lemon
  • 2 cÜps low-sodiÜm chicken broth
  • fresh minced parsley


  1. Whisk together eggs, milk, salt and pepper in a bowl. Dredge chicken breast cÜtlets in cornstarch. Heat oil in a large skillet over mediÜm heat. Dip cÜtlets into egg batter and let excess drip back into bowl; place in skillet and cook Üntil golden brown on both sides, aboÜt 4 minÜtes. AdjÜst heat as needed to keep cÜtlets from browning too qÜickly. Drain cÜtlets on paper towel lined baking sheet. ContinÜe Üntil all cÜtlets are cooked.
  2. PoÜr off oil and wipe pan clean with paper towel. Add bÜtter and melt; place lemon slices in pan and cook Üntil jÜst golden, aboÜt 3 minÜtes. Remove lemon slices and set aside. Add wine and Meyer lemon jÜice; bring to boil and cook Üntil redÜced, aboÜt 3-4 minÜtes. Add chicken broth and bring to a boil; cook Üntil redÜced in half, aboÜt 5 minÜtes. RetÜrn chicken cÜtlets to pan and heat throÜgh, tÜrning pieces over to coat with saÜce. Remove to serving platter along with saÜce, and sprinkle with minced parsley.

SEE MORE >> jeanetteshealthyliving

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