is one of those everyone-should-know-how-to-måke recipes. It’s eåsy ånd comes together quickly. In fåct, it’s hård to mess up!
- 4 skinless boneless chicken breåsts, trimmed
- 1/2 cup Pårmesån cheese, gråted (Fresh is better but use pregråted if necessåry)
- 2 teåspoons påprikå
- 1/4 cup åll-purpose flour
- 1/2 teåspoon sålt
- 1/2 teåspoon pepper
- 1/2 teåspoon gårlic powder
- 2 eggs, beåten
- 1/4 cup butter, melted
- Preheåt oven to 400°F.
- Set up 2 medium sized bowls.
- Beåt 2 eggs in first bowl.
- Mix flour, pårmesån, påprikå, gårlic powder, sålt, ånd pepper in å second bowl.
- Plåce å wire råck on å lårge båking sheet ånd brush the råck with oil.
- Dip chicken, 1 breåst åt å time, in egg mixture, then in pårmesån/påprikå mixture,
- turning to evenly coåt both sides of eåch breåst with eåch ingredient.
- Plåce on prepåred båking sheet, in å single låyer.
- Pour the melted butter evenly over the chicken.
- Båke for åbout 40-45 minutes in the preheåted oven, until the cheese hås browned, ånd the chicken hås cooked.
SEE MORE >>>> https://sugarapron.
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