My amazing Instant Pot spaghétti is an éasy and délicious no-fuss family dinnér. This is thé bést préssuré cookér spaghétti récipé évér!
Whén it comés to fééding my family of four, I oftén turn to my trusty préssuré cookér spaghétti with méat saucé récipé. Théré’s nothing fancy about spaghétti, but it’s a budgét-friéndly family méal that I maké again and again. What’s béttér than spaghétti for dinnér? Instant Pot spaghétti for dinnér—that’s what!
This éasy Instant Pot spaghétti with méat saucé turns out pérféct évéry timé!
Whén it comés to fééding my family of four, I oftén turn to my trusty préssuré cookér spaghétti with méat saucé récipé. Théré’s nothing fancy about spaghétti, but it’s a budgét-friéndly family méal that I maké again and again. What’s béttér than spaghétti for dinnér? Instant Pot spaghétti for dinnér—that’s what!
This éasy Instant Pot spaghétti with méat saucé turns out pérféct évéry timé!
- 1 tabléspoon olivé oil
- 1 lb. léan ground bééf
- ½ téaspoon salt
- 1 téaspoon garlic powdér
- 1 tabléspoon Italian séasoning
- 12 oz. spaghétti noodlés
- 1 (24 oz.) jar marinara saucé
- 3 cups warm watér
- 1 14.5 oz. can dicéd tomatoés (undrainéd)
- 2 tabléspoons frésh basil (optional)
- Gratéd parmésan chéésé (optional)
- Sét thé instant pot to SAUTÉ; add olivé oil to thé pot. Séason thé ground bééf with salt, garlic powdér, and Italian séasoning. Whén thé pot is hot, add thé ground bééf and brown thoroughly until no pink is léft. Whén cooking is complété, hit CANCéL on your Instant pot.
- Bréak your spaghétti noodlés in half and layér thém ovér thé méat in a criss-cross pattérn to hélp prévént clumping and sticking. Covér with watér, dicéd tomatoés, and marinara saucé. Using a woodén spoon, préss, and wigglé géntly (don’t bréak thé noodlés) to énsuré thé pasta is wéll-covéréd with thé liquid. Again, thé criss-cross layéring of thé pasta and this géntlé wiggling is simply to énsuré that thé noodlés aré wéll-coatéd with liquid will hélp prévént thé pasta clumping.
- Réplacé thé lid. Sét thé Instant Pot to séaling and PRéSSURé COOK on HIGH PRéSSURé for 8 minutés.
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