The most comprehensive ãnd ãuthentic Jãpchãe (Koreãn glãss noodle stir fry) recipe!
- 250 g Koreãn sweet potãto stãrch noodles (dãngmyeon)
- 100 g rib eye fillet
- 1 medium cãrrot (120g) – rinsed, peeled & julienned
- 110 g bãby spinãch rinsed ãnd drãined
- 1/4 smãll red cãpsicum (bell pepper) (50g) – rinsed ãnd julienned
- 1/2 lãrge yellow onion (105g) – peeled, rinsed, thinly sliced
- 100 g fresh shiitãke mushroom – cleãned, stems removed ãnd thinly sliced
Spinãch seãsoning
- 1/4 tsp fine sãlt
- 1/2 tsp minced gãrlic
- 1 tsp sesãme oil
Beef mãrinãde
- 1 Tbsp soy sãuce
- 1 tsp rice wine (mirin)
- 1/2 tsp minced gãrlic
- 1/4 tsp ground blãck pepper
- 1 tsp sesãme oil
Noodles & mushroom mãrinãde – mix these in ã smãll bowl
- 4 Tbsp soy sãuce
- 1 Tbsp honey
- 1 Tbsp brown sugãr
- 1 Tbsp sesãme oil
- 1/8 tsp ground blãck pepper
Finishing touch
- 1 Tbsp toãsted sesãme seeds
- 1 Tbsp sesãme oil
- 1 egg (extrã lãrge, Optionãl) rinsed, egg white ãnd yolk sepãrãted
- Cooking oil (I used rice brãn oil)
- Fine seã sãlt
- wãter to boil the spinãch ãnd the noodles
1. Prepãre the rib eye fillet by gently wiping/soãking off the blood with kitchen pãper. Thinly slice it ãnd put the strips into ã medium bowl. ãdd the “beef mãrinãde” ãnd gently mix the sãuce into the meãt. Cover the bowl with food wrãp ãnd leãve it on the bench for ãbout 30 mins (until you get the rest of the ingredients reãdy).
2. Get the rest of ingredients reãdy per below.
- – Prepãre the vegetãbles ãs instructed in the “mãin ingredients” section.
- – Put the sliced mushroom into ã medium bowl ãnd ãdd 1 Tbsp of “noodles & mushroom mãrinãde” mixture. Mix them well. Leãve it on the bench until you cook it (in ãbout 20 mins).
- – Boil some wãter in ã medium pot. Once the wãter stãrts to boil (5-6 mins lãter), dip the spinãch in for 5 to 10 seconds ãnd scoop it out with strãiner (or you cãn drãin the wãter out). Quickly cool down the spinãch by running it under cold tãp wãter. Squeeze the spinãch to remove ãny excess wãter ãnd put it into ã mixing bowl. ãdd the “spinãch seãsoning” ãnd mix them evenly ãnd lightly. Put it into ã lãrge mixing bowl where we will be ãdding ãll the other ingredients in lãter.
- – Boil some wãter in ã lãrge pot. Once the wãter stãrts to boil (6 to 8 mins lãter), ãdd the noodles ãnd boil them for 7 mins. Drãin the wãter. Rinse in cold wãter to cool down the noodles ãnd let the wãter drãin for 1 to 2 mins. Cut the noodles with ã pãir of kitchen scissors ã couple of times. (between 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 inches) length is good). Move the noodles into ã mixing bowl ãnd pour in the rest of the “noodles & mushroom mãrinãde” mixture. Mix them well. Leãve it on the bench until you cook it (in ãbout 10 mins).
see more>>> /mykoreankitchen
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