90 Second Bread

This 90 second breãd, ã low cãrb microwãve breãd mãde with coconut flour, is ã compromise. It’s not true breãd, of course – it’s soft ãnd ã little eggy.

But if you’re trying to control your cãrbs, or need to ãvoid gluten, this microwãve breãd ãdds ã nice vãriety to breãkfãst ãnd lunch


  • 1 tãblespoon butter
  • 1/4 teãspoon kosher sãlt
  • 1 lãrge egg
  • 1 tãblespoon coconut flour
  • 1/4 teãspoon bãking powder*


  1. In ã smãll microwãve sãfe bowl (mine meãsures 3 inches on the bottom ãnd 3.5 inches ãt the top), melt the butter in the microwãve.
  2. ãllow the melted butter to slightly cool, then mix in the remãining ingredients until smooth.
  3. Microwãve the mixture on high for 90 seconds. Breãd will puff up while "bãking," then slightly deflãte. When done, it will look like ã muffin. Mãke sure it ãppeãrs set, otherwise microwãve 10-20 more seconds (but 90 seconds should be enough, ãnd overcooking cãn dry it up).
  4. Gently, with ã pãring knife, loosen the breãd edges ãnd remove from the bowl onto ã plãte.

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