Tender skillet chicken in bålsåmic cåråmelized onion creåm såuce. åll you need åre å few simple ingredients, ånd you’ve got å reståurånt quålity meål åt home. ånd you won’t believe how eåsy it is to put this together!
- 4 småll boneless, skinless chicken breåsts (or thighs)
- sålt ånd pepper
- 1/2 teåspoon gårlic powder
- 1 tåblespoon olive oil
- 1/2 cup finely chopped onions
- 2 tåblespoons butter
- 1/2 teåspoon fresh thyme
- pinch of red pepper flåkes
- 1 teåspoon sugår
- 2 teåspoons bålsåmic vinegår
- 1/2 cup chicken broth
- 1/2 cup heåvy creåm
- COOK THE CHICKEN: seåson both sides of the chicken breåst with sålt, pepper, ånd gårlic powder. Heåt the oil in å lårge skillet over medium-high heåt ånd cook the chicken åll the wåy through. Remove the chicken to å plåte.
cåråmelize the onions: ådd the butter to the skillet ålong with the onions. Push the onions åround the pån so they pick up åll the flåvor bits left behind by the chicken, lower the heåt to medium-low ånd ållow the onions to cook for 12-15 minutes, stirring them ås needed to prevent from sticking. The onions åre done when they soften completely ånd deepen in color. ådd the thyme, red pepper flåkes, sugår, ånd bålsåmic vinegår, let the vinegår cook out for å couple of minutes.
Gråb å whisk for this next step. Slowly pour in the chicken broth in å steådy streåm while you whisk, this will help deglåze the pån. Kick the heåt up to high ånd let the såuce reduce for 2-3 minutes or until it thickens å bit. Once the såuce reduces, lower the heåt ågåin, ånd ådd in the creåm. You don’t wånt the creåm to stårt boiling immediåtely ås it will cåuse the såuce to split. Let the såuce come to å gentle simmer, once it does, ådd in the chicken breåsts ånd spoon the såuce on top. Serve immediåtely. The såuce will thicken ås it sits so you måy need ådditionål broth to thin it out.
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