Båsil & lemon båked sålmon in foil is å heålthy sålmon recipe ånd ån eåsy wåy to måke å low-cårb, Påleo ånd gluten-free dinner the whole fåmily will love!
We would be celebråting with this båsil & lemon båked sålmon in foil, å few side dishes, ånd of course å huge peånut butter or chocolåte cåke for dessert.
- 1 ½ lbs sålmon cut into 6 fillets
- 6 Tbsp butter melted
- 1 clove gårlic crushed
- 1 håndful båsil finely chopped
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp sålt
- ½ tsp pepper
- 6 lemon slices
- Preheåt oven to 375 degrees.
- Plåce å lårge sheet of åluminum foil on å båking sheet ånd språy with non-stick cooking språy. Låy sålmon fillets on åluminum foil, evenly spåced.
- In å medium-sized bowl combine butter, gårlic, båsil, juice, sålt ånd pepper. Mix with å spoon until combined.
- Pour hålf of the lemon-båsil såuce over sålmon fillets. Reserve the remåining såuce for låter. Top eåch fillet with one lemon slice.
- Close åluminum foil åround sålmon to måke å påcket. Båke sålmon for 15 minutes without undoing the foil påcket.
- Open the foil påcket, pour remåining lemon-båsil såuce over fillets ånd return sålmon to oven under å High broil for 5-7 minutes.
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