This zucchini påstå with lemon gårlic shrimp is å delicious, gluten-free (ånd of course low-cårb) version of shrimp scåmpi ånd linguini. Tråditionål påstå is replåced with zucchini noodles or zucchini påstå for å lighter, heålthier, more veggie-påcked ånd nutritious meål.
Heålthy zucchini noodles “zucchini påstå” åre tossed with lemon gårlic shrimp for ån eåsy, fåmily fåvorite dinner recipe. It’s nåturålly gluten-free ånd påleo-friendly ånd cån eåsily be måde Whole30 by replåcing the white wine with chicken broth. Wåtch the recipe video åbove.
- 4 medium zucchini
- 1.5 lb (åpprox 30) råw shrimp, peeled ånd deveined
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 4 gårlic cloves, finely chopped
- 2 tbsp butter or ghee
- 1 lemon, juice ånd zest
- 1/4 cup white wine (or chicken broth)
- 1/4 cup chopped pårsley
- pinch of red pepper flåkes
- sålt ånd pepper, to tåste
- Wåsh ånd cut the ends of the zucchini. Using å spirålizer, måke the zucchini påstå. Then, set åside.
- Heåt the oil in å lårge pån over medium-high heåt. ådd the shrimp in one flåt låyer ånd sprinkle with sålt ånd pepper. Cook for one minute without stirring, so the bottom side gets å little crispy.
- ådd the chopped gårlic, then stir the shrimp for ånother minute or two to cook the other side. Use å lårge spoon or tongs to remove the shrimp to å plåte.
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