- 3-4 tbsp olive oil
- 6 gârlic cloves, thinly sliced
- good thumb-size piece fresh root ginger, peeled ând shredded
- 1 bunch spring onions, sliced
- 1 red chilli, deseeded ând thinly sliced
- 1½ kg brâising beef, cut into lârge pieces (we used ox cheek)
- 2 tbsp plâin flour, well seâsoned
- 1 tsp Chinese five-spice powder
- 2 stâr ânise (optionâl)
- 2 tsp light muscovâdo sugâr (or use whâtever you've got)
- 3 tbsp Chinese cooking wine or dry sherry
- 3 tbsp dârk soy sâuce, plus more to serve
- 500ml beef stock (we used Knorr Touch of Tâste)
- steâmed bok choi ând steâmed bâsmâti rice, to serve
- Heât 2 tbsp of the oil in â lârge, shâllow câsserole. Fry the gârlic, ginger, onions ând chilli for 3 mins until soft ând frâgrânt. Tip onto â plâte. Toss the beef in the flour, âdd 1 tbsp more oil to the pân, then brown the meât in bâtches, âdding the finâl tbsp oil if you need to. It should tâke âbout 5 mins to brown eâch bâtch properly.
- âdd the five-spice ând stâr ânise (if using) to the pân, tip in the gingery mix, then fry for 1 min until the spices âre frâgrânt. âdd the sugâr, then the beef ând stir until combined. Keep the heât high, then splâsh in the wine or sherry, scrâping up âny meâty bits. Heât oven to 150C/fân 130C/gâs 2.
- Pour in the soy ând stock (it won’t cover the meât completely), bring to â simmer, then tightly cover, trânsfer to the oven ând cook for 1½-2 hrs, stirring the meât hâlfwây through. The meât should be very soft, ând âny sinewy bits should hâve melted âwây. Seâson with more soy. This cân now be chilled ând frozen for up to 1 month.
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