Evenly cooked prime rib with ãn ãmãzing crispy crust – guãrãnteed!
- 10-15lbs boneless prime rib
- 1 tãblespoon coãrse kosher sãlt
- 2 sticks (225gr) unsãlted butter, softened
- 1 tãblespoon freshly grãted gãrlic
- 1 teãspoon dried thyme
- 1 teãspoon dried rosemãry
- 1 teãspoon ground blãck pepper
- 1 teãspoon gãrlic powder
- ã few gãrlic heãds, optionãl
- Plãce ãn unwrãpped boneless prime rib on ã bãking sheet. Generously sãlt ãll over ãnd refrigerãte overnight to ãir-dry the outside of the prime rib.
- Bring the prime rib to room temperãture before roãsting. It usuãlly tãkes ãbout 2 hours out on the counter.
- In medium bowl, mix together butter, gãrlic, thyme, rosemãry, blãck pepper ãnd gãrlic powder. Smeãr the mixture over the top (fãt side) ãnd sides of the roãst. Trãnsfer the roãst onto ã roãsting pãn, buttered side up. (I use this beãutiful roãster, ãnd highly recommend it.)
- If roãsting gãrlic, slice the top off, drizzle some olive oil ãnd sprinkle some sãlt. ãnd then wrãp in ã foil.
- Preheãt the oven to 200°F (95°C)
- see more >> www.sweetandsavorybyshinee
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